Hubble Space Telescope Call for Proposals for Cycle 13


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: General Information

1.1 About this Document
1.2 New and Important Features of Cycle 13
1.3 General Guidelines for Proposal Preparation
1.4 Resources, Documentation and Tools
1.4.1 Cycle 13 Announcement Web Page
1.4.2 HST Primer
1.4.3 Instrument Handbooks
1.4.4 The Astronomer's Proposal Tools (APT)
1.4.5 Exposure Time Calculators (ETCs)
1.4.6 The Visual Target Tuner (VTT)
1.4.7 HST Data Archive
1.4.8 Duplication checking
1.5 STScI Help Desk
1.6 Organization of this Document
1.6.1 Policies, Procedures and General Information
1.6.2 Preparing and Submitting Your Proposal
1.6.3 Information Pertaining to Accepted Proposals
1.6.4 Appendices

Chapter 2: Proposal Submission Policies

2.1 The Proposal Process: Phase I and Phase II
2.2 Deadlines
2.3 Who May Submit
2.3.1 Principal Investigator and Co-Investigators
2.3.2 ESA Scientists
2.3.3 Student PIs
2.4 Institutional Endorsement of GO/AR Proposals
2.5 Funding
2.6 Proposal Confidentiality

Chapter 3: Proposal Categories

3.1 Overview of Proposal Categories
3.2 General Observer (GO) Proposals
3.2.1 Regular GO Programs
3.2.2 Large GO Programs
3.2.3 Long-Term GO Programs
3.2.4 Treasury GO Programs
3.3 Snapshot (SNAP) Proposals
3.3.1 Characteristics of SNAPs
3.3.2 Guidelines for SNAP Proposals
3.4 Archival Research (AR) Proposals
3.4.1 Regular AR Proposals
3.4.2 Legacy AR Proposals
3.4.3 Guidelines for AR Proposals
3.4.4 Suggestions for AR Proposals
3.5 Theory Proposals
3.6 Calibration Proposals
3.7 Joint HST-Chandra Observing Proposals
3.8 Joint HST-NOAO Observing Proposals
3.9 Director's Discretionary (DD) Time Proposals
3.10 Guaranteed Time Observer Programs

Chapter 4: Observation Types and Special Requirements

4.1 Primary Observations
4.1.1 Continuous Viewing Zone (CVZ) Observations
4.1.2 Target-of-Opportunity (TOO) Observations
4.1.3 Solar System Targets
4.1.4 Observations of Targets that have not yet been discovered or identified
4.1.5 Time-Critical Observations
4.1.6 Real-Time Interactions
4.2 Parallel Observations
4.2.1 Coordinated Parallel Observations
4.2.2 Pure Parallel Observations
4.2.3 Restrictions and Limitations on Parallel Observations
4.3 Special Calibration Observations

Chapter 5: Data Rights and Duplications

5.1 Data Rights
5.2 Policies and Procedures Regarding Duplications
5.2.1 Duplication Policies
5.2.2 How to Check for Duplications

Chapter 6: Proposal Selection Procedures

6.1 How STScI Evaluates Submitted Proposals
6.1.1 The Review Panels
6.1.2 The Telescope Allocation Committee (TAC)
6.2 Selection Criteria

Chapter 7: Guidelines and Checklist for Phase I Proposal Preparation

7.1 General Guidelines
7.1.1 Deadline
7.1.2 Phase I Proposal Format
7.1.3 Page Limits for PDF Attachment
7.2 Proposal Preparation Checklist

Chapter 8: Filling Out the APT Proposal Form

8.1 Title
8.2 Abstract
8.3 Proposal Phase
8.4 Category
8.5 Cycle
8.6 Requested Resources
8.6.1 Primary and Parallel Orbits
8.6.2 Total Targets
8.6.3 Budget
8.7 Proprietary Period
8.8 Scientific Category
8.9 Keywords
8.10 Special Proposal Types
8.10.1 Chandra ksec
8.10.2 NOAO Nights
8.10.3 Theory
8.10.4 Legacy
8.10.5 Calibration
8.10.6 Treasury
8.11 Proposal PDF Attachment
8.12 Principal Investigator
8.13 Co-Investigators
8.14 Targets
8.14.1 Target Name
8.14.2 Provisional Coordinates
8.14.3 V-Magnitude
8.14.4 Other Fluxes
8.15 Observation Summary (OS)
8.15.1 Target
8.15.2 Instrument
8.15.3 Instrument Setup(s)
8.15.4 Config
8.15.5 Science Mode
8.15.6 Coronagraphy
8.15.7 Selected Element(s)
8.15.8 Orbits
8.15.9 Number of Iterations
8.15.10 Special Requirement Checkboxes
8.15.11 Large Programs

Chapter 9: Preparation of the PDF Attachment

9.1 Scientific Justification
9.2 Description of the Observations
9.3 Special Requirements
9.4 Coordinated Observations
9.4.1 Joint HST-Chandra Observations
9.4.2 Joint HST-NOAO Observations
9.5 Justify Duplications
9.6 Analysis Plan
9.7 Budget Narrative
9.8 Previous Related HST Programs

Chapter 10: Proposal Implementation and Execution

10.1 Notification
10.2 Phase II Submission
10.3 Program Coordinator and Contact Scientist Support
10.4 Duplication Checking
10.5 Technical Review
10.6 Proposal Scheduling
10.7 Unschedulable or Infeasible Programs
10.8 Access to Data Products
10.9 Archival Research Support
10.10 Visits to STScI
10.11 Failed Observations
10.12 Publication of HST Results
10.13 Dissemination of HST Results

Chapter 11: Education & Public Outreach Proposals

11.1 NASA OSS E/PO Policies
11.2 HST E/PO Proposals
11.2.1 Assistance for the Preparation of E/PO Proposals
11.3 The Initiative to Develop Education Through Astronomy and Space Science (IDEAS) Grant Program

Chapter 12:Grant Funding and Budget Submissions

12.1 Overview
12.2 Eligibility for STScI Grant Funds
12.3 Allowable Costs
12.4 Grant Period
12.5 Award of Funds

Appendix A: Contact Information

A.1 Space Telescope Science Institute
A.2 Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility
A.3 Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
A.4 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Appendix B: Scientific Keywords

Appendix C: Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations

Appendix D: Internet Links

Space Telescope Science Institute
Voice: (410) 338-1082