| Hubble Space Telescope Call for Proposals for Cycle 13
Appendix A:
Contact Information
A.1 Space Telescope Science Institute
A.2 Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility
A.3 Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
A.4 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
A.1 Space Telescope Science Institute
- Internet:
- Address:
3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, USA
- Telephone:
[1] 410-338-xxxx (where xxxx is the extension number)
Main switchboard extension: 4700
- Fax:
ext: 4767
- STScI Help Desk:
ext: 1082; email: help@stsci.edu
from within the U.S. call toll-free: 1-800-544-8125
- Archive Hotseat:
ext: 4547; email: archive@stsci.edu
- Director's Office:
Director: Steven Beckwith; ext: 4710; email: svwb@stsci.edu
- Science Policies Division:
Head: Duccio Macchetto; ext: 4790; email: macchetto@stsci.edu
Technical Manager: Brett Blacker; ext: 1281; email: blacker@stsci.edu
- Grants Administration Office:
Manager: Elyse Wagner; ext: 4200; email: wagner@stsci.edu
Branch Chief: Ray Beaser; ext: 4200; email: beaser@stsci.edu
- Office of Public Outreach:
Head: Ian Griffin; ext: 4567; email: griffin@stsci.edu
- Observation and Data Management Division:
Observation Planning Branch Chief: Denise Taylor; ext: 4824; email: dctaylor@stsci.edu
- Instruments Division:
ACS and WFPC2 Group Lead: Roeland van der Marel; ext 4931; email: marel@stsci.edu
NICMOS Acting Group Lead: Keith Noll; ext 1828; email: noll@stsci.edu
STIS Group Lead: Paul Goudfrooij; ext 4981; email: goudfroo@stsci.edu
A.2 Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility
- Internet:
- Address:
ST-ECF, European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany
- Telephone:
[49] 89-320-06-291
- Fax:
[49] 89-320-06-480
- Email:
- Comments:
The ST-ECF provides assistance to HST users in Europe. The ST-ECF produces a Newsletter, which, although aimed primarily at European HST users, includes articles of general interest to the HST community. To receive the Newsletter, send full name and postal address to the ST-ECF email address.
A.3 Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
- Internet:
- Address:
CADC, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, 5071 W. Saanich Rd., Victoria, B.C. V8X 4M6, Canada
- Telephone:
[1] 604-363-0025
- Email:
- Comments:
The CADC provides assistance to HST users in Canada.
A.4 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan