![]() | Hubble Space Telescope Call for Proposals for Cycle 13 | |||||
9.1 Scientific JustificationChapter 9:
Preparation of the PDF Attachment
9.2 Description of the Observations
9.3 Special Requirements
9.4 Coordinated Observations
9.4.1 Joint HST-Chandra Observations
9.4.2 Joint HST-NOAO Observations
9.5 Justify Duplications
9.6 Analysis Plan
9.7 Budget Narrative
9.8 Previous Related HST Programs
As described in Chapter 7, a Phase I proposal consists of a completed APT proposal form and an attached PDF file. The present chapter describes the items that must be addressed in the attached PDF file. As described in Section 7.2, template files are available in several popular word-processing environments for the creation of the PDF file. Chapter 8 describes the items that must be filled out in the APT proposal form. Note that you must use Acrobat version 5.0 or higher in order to properly view and print the PDF attachment in APT.
Your PDF Attachment should obey the page limits discussed in Section 7.1.3. Note that there is a limit on the total number of pages, as well as on the amount of text in the `Scientific Justification' section.
9.1 Scientific Justification
This section should present a balanced discussion of background information, the program's goals, its significance to astronomy in general, and its importance for the specific sub-field of astronomy that it addresses. The members of the review panels will span a range of scientific expertise (see Section 6.1.1), so you should write this section for a general audience of scientists.
Depending on the type of proposal, the following items should also be included:
- GO Treasury, AR Legacy and Pure Parallel proposals should address the use to the astronomical community of the data products that will be generated by the program.
- SNAP proposals should provide a complete and unique description of the target sample.
- AR proposals should describe how the project improves upon or adds to the previous use of the data.
- Theory proposals should include a description of the scientific investigations that will be enabled by the successful completion of the program, and their relevance to HST.
- Calibration proposals should describe what science will be enabled by the successful completion of the program, and how the currently supported core capabilities, their calibrations, and the existing pipeline or data reduction software are insufficient to meet the requirements of this type of science.
9.2 Description of the Observations
(This item is required only for GO and SNAP proposals)
Please provide a short description of the proposed observations. Explain the amount of exposure time and number of orbits requested (e.g., number of objects, examples of exposure-time calculations and orbit estimates for some typical observations). You should summarize your target acquisition strategies and durations where relevant. For CVZ targets, state the number of CVZ opportunities available in the cycle.
Discuss and justify any non-standard calibration requirements (see Section 4.3). You should estimate the number of orbits required for these special calibrations, and include them in the OS (see Section 8.15).
Depending on the type of proposal, the following items should also be included:
- Long-term projects should provide summary information for the entire project, along with a cycle-by-cycle breakdown of the requested spacecraft orbits.
- Treasury Programs should discuss the data products that will be made available to the community, the method of dissemination, and a realistic time line. It is a requirement that data products be delivered to STScI in suitable digital formats for further dissemination via the HST Data Archive or related channels. Any required technical support from STScI and associated costs should be described in detail.
- Proposers submitting Large and Treasury programs should discuss how they have designed their program with regard to schedulability.
- Proposers of programs with timing constraints and timing relationships between observations should describe these, including allowable flexibility.
- Proposers of programs containing large blocks of orbits at constrained orientation angles, such as mosaics and surveys, should describe these constraints and allowable flexibility.
- Proposers requesting large blocks of orbits with a single target should estimate how many orbits/day will be required for their programs, during the scheduling windows that meet their timing and orientation restrictions. A tool will be made available for this purpose (see the Cycle 13 Announcement Page).
- Calibration proposals should present a detailed justification of how they will achieve the goals of the program, and if applicable, a description of the conditions under which these goals will be achieved.
- Calibration proposals should discuss what documentation, and data products and/or software will be made available to STScI to support future observing programs.
9.3 Special Requirements
(This item is required only for GO and SNAP proposals)
List and justify any special scheduling requirements, including requests for:
- Target of Opportunity (TOO) observations. For TOO observations, estimate the TOO's probability of occurrence during Cycle 13, and state how soon HST must begin observing after the occurrence (see Section 4.1.2).
- CVZ observations (see Section 4.1.1).
- Shadow time or Low-sky observations (see Section 5.5 of the HST Primer).
- Time-critical observations (see Section 4.1.5).
- Early acquisition observations (see Section 5.2.1 of the HST Primer).
- Coordinated Parallel (CPAR) or Pure Parallel (PPAR) observations
- Target acquisitions that use the `Reuse target offset' function (see Section 5.2.2 of the HST Primer).
- Real-time interactions (see Section 4.1.6, and Section 2.6.1 of the HST Primer).
- Scheduling of STIS/MAMA and STIS/CCD observations (other than target acquisitions) in the same visit (see Section 6.2.3 of the HST Primer).
- Scheduling of coronagraphic observations in the same orbit with a roll of the spacecraft between observations (see Section 6.2.3 of the HST Primer).
- Requests for expedited data access (see Section 7.2 of the HST Primer).
- Other special scheduling requirements (e.g., requests for non-SAA impacted observations).
Also, if applicable, discuss the benefits of or need for a non-default proprietary period request (see Section 5.1 and Section 8.7).
9.4 Coordinated Observations
(This item is required only for GO proposals)
If you have plans for conducting coordinated observations with other facilities that affect the HST scheduling, please describe them here (examples are coordinated or simultaneous observations with other spacecraft or ground-based observatories). Describe how the observations will affect the scheduling.
If you have plans for supporting observations that do not affect HST scheduling, then don't describe them here. If they improve your science case, then describe them in the `Scientific Justification' section of the proposal (see Section 9.1).
A limited feasibility check on coordinated observations between HST and a few other observatories (Chandra, XTE, and FUSE) may be performed via the Visual Observation Layout Tool (VOLT), developed at the Goddard Space Flight Center. See the VOLT web site for more information. Note that VOLT cannot be used for detailed (Phase II) scheduling of HST observations.
9.4.1 Joint HST-Chandra Observations
Proposers requesting joint HST-Chandra observations (see Section 3.7) must provide a full and comprehensive technical justification for the Chandra portion of their program. This justification must include:
- the choice of instrument (and grating, if used),
- the requested exposure time, justification for the exposure time, target count rate(s) and assumptions made in its determination,
- information on whether the observations are time-critical; indicate whether the observations must be coordinated in a way that affects the scheduling (of either the Chandra or the HST observations),
- the exposure mode and chip selection (ACIS) or instrument configuration (HRC),
- information about nearby bright sources that may lie in the field of view,
- a demonstration that telemetry limits will not be violated,
- a description of how pile-up effects will be minimized (ACIS only).
Technical documentation about Chandra is available from the Chandra X-ray Center (CXC) Web Page, which also provides access to the Chandra Help Desk. The primary document is the Proposer's Observatory Guide, available from the Chandra User Documents Web Page and the Chandra Proposer Web Page. Full specification of approved observations will be requested during the Chandra Cycle 6 period when detailed feasibility checks will be made.
Proposers requesting joint HST-Chandra observations must specify whether they were awarded Chandra time in a previous Chandra or HST cycle for similar or related observations.
9.4.2 Joint HST-NOAO Observations
Proposers requesting joint HST-NOAO observations (see Section 3.8) must provide a full and comprehensive technical justification for the NOAO portion of their program. This justification must include:
- the telescope(s) and instrument(s) on which time is requested,
- the requested observing time per telescope/instrument, a specification of the number of nights for each semester during which time will be required, a breakdown into dark, grey and bright time, and an explanation of how the required exposure time was estimated,
- information on whether the observations are time-critical; indicate whether the observations must be coordinated in a way that affects the scheduling (of either the NOAO or the HST observations),
- a description of any special scheduling or implementation requirements (e.g., optimum and acceptable dates).
Successful proposers will be asked to supply additional details about the observations, i.e., the same details required for NOAO proposals for the particular telescope/instrument. This "Phase II - NOAO" information must be submitted by the April 30, 2004 NOAO deadline for the Fall 2004 semester. Submission instructions will be forthcoming following notification of the results of the HST review.
Technical documentation about the NOAO facilities is available from the NOAO Web Page. Questions may be directed to the NOAO Proposal Help Desk by email to noaoprop-help@noao.edu. NOAO will perform feasibility checks on any approved proposals.
Proposers requesting joint HST-NOAO observations must specify whether they were recently (in the last two years) awarded NOAO time for similar or related observations.
A full and comprehensive scientific justification for the requested NOAO observing time and facilities must be given in the `Scientific Justification' section of the proposal (see Section 9.1).
9.5 Justify Duplications
(This item is required only for GO and SNAP proposals)
Justify, on a target-by-target basis, any potential duplication with previously accepted GO or GTO observing programs. Use the `Duplication' checkbox in the OS (see Section 8.15) to identify the duplicating observations. See Section 5.2.1 for policies on duplications.
9.6 Analysis Plan
(This item is required only for AR, Calibration, and Theory proposals)
All AR proposals should provide a detailed data analysis plan. Describe the data sets that will be analyzed and estimate how many data sets will be analyzed. Inclusion of a complete target list is not required. Discuss available resources, individual responsibilities where appropriate, and how the analysis will allow you to achieve your objectives.
Legacy AR proposals should also discuss the data products that will be made available to the community, the method of dissemination, and a realistic time line. It is a requirement that data products be delivered to STScI in suitable digital formats for further dissemination via the HST Data Archive or related channels. Any required technical support from STScI and associated costs should be described in detail.
Theory proposals should discuss the types of HST data that will benefit from the proposed investigation, and references to specific data sets in the HST Data Archive should be given where possible. They should also describe how the results of the theoretical investigation will be made available to the astronomical community, and on what time scale the results are expected.
Calibration proposals should discuss what documentation, and data products and/or software will be made available to STScI to support future observing programs.
9.7 Budget Narrative
(This item is required only for AR and Theory proposals)
Describe concisely, but completely, what the requested funds will support (if awarded). Use words rather than dollar amounts (e.g., 3 months of support, including overhead and fringe benefits, for a graduate student who will work on the data reduction, and a 18 GByte hard disk drive for storage of the data and data analysis products). Provide a justification for why the requested items are necessary to achieve the goals of the program. See Chapter 12 for details on Grant Policies and allowable costs.
9.8 Previous Related HST Programs
Please list the program number and status of the data for all accepted GO/SNAP/AR programs of the PI which are relevant to the current proposal. Include a list of major publications resulting from the previous HST observations and provide a sentence or two describing the significance of each paper. Related publications based on theory and/or data from other telescopes should be included. Unpublished data from early cycles should be explained. A significant publication record will be regarded by the Review Panels and TAC as a strong plus. GTO programs and publications may be included at the PI's discretion.
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