![]() | Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 Instrument Handbook for Cycle 14 | |||||
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
- 1.1 Instrument Overview
- 1.1.1 Field-of-View
- 1.1.2 Spectral Filters
- 1.1.3 Quantum Efficiency and Exposure Limits
- 1.1.4 CCD Detector Technology
- 1.1.5 UV Imaging
- 1.1.6 Aberration Correction and Optical Alignment
- 1.2 Which Instrument to Use: WFPC2, ACS, NICMOS, or STIS?
- 1.2.1 Comparison of WFPC2 and ACS
- 1.2.2 Comparison of WFPC2 and NICMOS
- 1.2.3 Comparison of WFPC2 and STIS
- 1.3 History of WFPC2
- 1.4 The Previous vs. Current Generation: WF/PC-1 vs. WFPC2
- 1.5 Organization of this Handbook
- 1.6 What's New in Version 6.0 for Cycle 11
- 1.7 What's New in Version 7.0 for Cycle 12
- 1.8 What's New in Version 8.0 for Cycle 13
- 1.9 What's New in Version 9.0 for Cycle 14
- 1.10 WFPC2 Handbook on the WWW
- 1.11 The Help Desk at STScI
- 1.12 Further Information
Chapter 2: Instrument Description
- 2.1 Science Objectives
- 2.2 WFPC2 Configuration, Field-of-View, and Resolution
- 2.3 Overall Instrument Description
- 2.4 Quantum Efficiency
- 2.5 Shutter
- 2.6 Serial Clocks
- 2.7 Overhead Times
- 2.8 CCD Orientation and Readout
- 2.9 Calibration Channel
Chapter 3: Optical Filters
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Choice of Broad Band Filters
- 3.3 Linear Ramp Filters
- 3.3.1 Spectral Response
- 3.3.2 Target Locations
- 3.3.3 LRF Photometric Calibration
- 3.4 Redshifted [OII] Quad Filters
- 3.5 Polarizer Quad Filter
- 3.5.1 Polarization Calibration
- 3.6 Methane Quad Filter
- 3.7 Wood's Filters
- 3.8 Red Leaks in UV Filters
- 3.9 Apertures
Chapter 4: CCD Performance
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Quantum Efficiency
- 4.3 Dynamic Range
- 4.4 Bright Object Artifacts
- 4.4.1 Blooming
- 4.4.2 Horizontal Smearing
- 4.4.3 Diffraction Effects and Ghost Images
- 4.5 Residual Image
- 4.6 Quantum Efficiency Hysteresis
- 4.7 Flat Field Response
- 4.8 Dark Backgrounds
- 4.8.1 Sources of Dark Current
- 4.8.2 Darktime
- 4.8.3 Dark Current Evolution
- 4.9 Cosmic Rays
- 4.10 SAA and Scheduling System Issues
- 4.11 Radiation Damage and Hot Pixels
- 4.12 Photometric Anomalies: CTE and Long vs. Short
- 4.12.1 Charge Transfer Efficiency
- 4.12.2 The Long vs. Short Photometric Anomaly
- 4.13 Read Noise and Gain Settings
Chapter 5: Point Spread Function
- 5.1 Effects of OTA Spherical Aberration
- 5.2 Aberration Correction
- 5.3 Wavefront Quality
- 5.4 CCD Pixel Response Function
- 5.5 Model PSFs
- 5.6 PSF Variations with Field Position
- 5.6.1 Aperture Corrections vs. Field Position
- 5.7 PSF Variations with Time / OTA Focus
- 5.8 PSF Anomaly in F1042M Filter
- 5.9 Large Angle Scattering
- 5.10 Ghost Images
- 5.11 Optical Distortion
Chapter 6: System Throughput and SNR / Exposure Time Estimation
- 6.1 System Throughput
- 6.2 On-Line Exposure Time Calculator
- 6.3 Target Count Rates
- 6.3.1 Count Rates for Stellar Sources
- 6.3.2 Count Rates for Power Law Sources
- 6.3.3 Count Rates for Emission Line Sources
- 6.4 Sky Background
- 6.5 Signal-to-Noise Ratio Estimation
- 6.5.1 Point Sources -- PSF Fitting
- 6.5.2 Point Sources -- Aperture Photometry
- 6.5.3 Extended Sources
- 6.6 Exposure Time Estimation
- 6.7 Sample SNR Calculations
- 6.7.1 Point Sources
- 6.7.2 Extended Sources
- 6.7.3 Emission Line Sources
- 6.8 Photometric Anomalies
- 6.9 Red Leaks in UV Filters
- 6.10 Long-term Photometric Stability
- 6.11 Short-term Time Dependence of UV Response
Chapter 7: Observation Strategies
- 7.1 Observing Faint Targets
- 7.2 Observing Bright Targets
- 7.3 Observing Faint Targets Near Bright Objects
- 7.4 Cosmic Rays
- 7.5 Choosing Exposure Times
- 7.6 Dithering with WFPC2
- 7.6.1 Dither Strategies
- 7.6.2 Analysis of Dithered Data
- 7.7 Pointing Accuracy
- 7.7.1 Absolute Pointing Accuracy
- 7.7.2 Updates to Aperture / Coordinate Systems
- 7.7.3 Pointing Repeatability
- 7.7.4 Tracking Modes
- 7.8 CCD Position and Orientation on Sky
- 7.8.1 Software to Aid ORIENT Selection
- 7.8.2 ORIENT Anomaly
- 7.9 Polarization Observations
- 7.10 Observing with Linear Ramp Filters
- 7.11 Emission Line Observations of Galaxy Nuclei
- 7.12 Two-Gyro Mode
Chapter 8: Calibration and Data Reduction
- 8.1 Calibration Observations and Reference Data
- 8.2 Flat Fields
- 8.3 Dark Frames
- 8.4 Bias Frames
- 8.5 Data Products and Data Reduction
- 8.6 Pipeline Processing
- 8.7 On-The-Fly Reprocessing Systems
- 8.8 Fluxes and Standard Magnitudes
- 8.9 Color Transformations of Primary Filters
- 8.10 Calibration Plan Summary
- 8.11 Cycle 4 Calibration Plan
- 8.11.1 Internal Monitors
- 8.11.2 Photometric Monitors
- 8.11.3 Earth Flats
- 8.12 Cycle 5 Calibration Plan
- 8.13 Cycle 6 Calibration Plan
- 8.14 Cycle 7 Calibration Plan
- 8.14.1 Overview
- 8.15 Cycle 8 Calibration Plan
- 8.15.1 Introduction
- 8.15.2 Overview
- 8.16 Cycle 9 Calibration Plan
- 8.17 Cycle 10 Calibration Plan
- 8.18 Cycle 11 Calibration Plan
- 8.19 Cycle 12 Calibration Plan
- 8.20 Cycle 13 Calibration Plan
- 8.21 Future Calibrations, Calibration by Observers, and Calibration Outsourcing
- 8.22 Calibration Accuracy
Appendix A: Passband Plots
- A.1 Filter Passbands, with and w/out Total System
- A.1.1 F122M, F130LP, F160BW
- A.1.2 F165LP, F170W, F185W
- A.1.3 F218W, F255W, F300W
- A.1.4 F336W, F343N, F375N
- A.1.5 F380W, F390N, F410M
- A.1.6 F437N, F439W, F450W
- A.1.7 F467M, F469N, F487N
- A.1.8 F502N, F547M, F555W
- A.1.9 F569W, F588N, F606W
- A.1.10 F622W, F631N, F656N
- A.1.11 F658N, F673N, F675W
- A.1.12 F702W, F785LP, F791W
- A.1.13 F814W, F850LP, F953N
- A.1.14 F1042M, FQUVN-A, FQUVN-B
- A.1.16 FQCH4N15-B, FQCH4N33-B, FQCH4N-C
- A.1.17 FQCH4N-D, Parallel and Perpendicular Polarizers
- A.2 Normalized Passbands including System Response
Appendix B: Point Source SNR Plots
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