![]() | Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 Instrument Handbook for Cycle 14 | |||||
Instrument Science Reports
Technical Instrument Reports
Other Selected Documents
The WFPC2 Data Analysis Library
- Anderson, J, and King, I. R. 1999, Astrometric and Photometric Corrections for the 34th Row Error in HST's WFPC2 Camera, PASP 111, 1095.
- Anderson, J., King, I. 2003, PASP, 115, 113.
- Baggett, S., et al. 1998, WFPC2 Dark Current Evolution, TIR WFPC2 98-03.
- Baggett, S., Gonzaga, S. 1998, WFPC2 Long-Term Photometric Stability, ISR WFPC2 98-03.
- Baggett, S., Gonzaga, S., Biretta, J. 2000, CTE Effects on Aperture Photometry of Extended Sources, (private communication).
- Baggett, S., McMaster, M., et al. 2002, in HST WFPC2 Data Handbook, V.4.0, ed. B. Mobaster, Baltimore, STScI
- Bessell, M. S. 1990, UBVRI Passbands, PASP 102, 1181.
- Biretta, J. A, and Sparks, W. B. 1995, WFPC2 Polarization Observations: Strategies, Apertures, and Calibration Plans, WFPC2 ISR 95-01.
- Biretta, J. A. 1995, "WFPC2 Flat Field Calibration," in Calibrating Hubble Space Telescope: Post Servicing Mission, eds. A. Koratkar and C. Leitherer, p. 257.
- Biretta, J., Baggett, S., 1998, Proposed Modification to the WFPC2 SAA Avoidance Contour, TIR WFPC2 98-04 (plus update).
- Biretta, J., McMaster, M. 1997, WFPC2 Polarization Calibration, ISR WFPC2 97-11.
- Biretta, J., Mutchler, M. 1998, Charge Trapping and CTE Residual Images in the WFPC2 CCDs, ISR WFPC2 97-05.
- Blouke, D. P. 1991, eds. Janesick, J. and Elliot, T., PASP, 8, 153.
- Burrows, C. et al. 1991, The Imaging Performance of the Hubble Space Telescope, ApJL 369, L21.
- Casertano, S. 1998, The Long vs. Short Anomaly in WFPC2 Images, ISR WFPC2 98-02.
- Casertano, S., et al., editors, The 1997 HST Calibration Workshop Proceedings, STScI, 1998.1
- Casertano, S., Wiggs, M. 2001, WFPC2 ISR 01-10, Baltimore, STScI.
- Clarke, J.T. and the WFPC2 IDT 1992, White Paper for WFPC2 Far-Ultraviolet Science.2
- Dithering: Relationship Between POS TARG's and CCD Rows/Columns.1
- Dolphin, A., 2000, PASP 112, 1397.
- Evans, R. E. 1992, JPL Memorandum, DFM #2031.
- Fruchter, A. S., Hook, R. N. 1997, "A Novel Image Reconstruction Method Applied to Deep Hubble Space Telescope Images", in Applications of Digital Image Processing XX, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3164, A. Tescher, editor, p.120.
- Fruchter, A.S., Hook, R.N. 2002, "Drizzle: A Method for the Linear Reconstruction of Undersampled Images", PASP 114, 144.
- Gilliland, R. L. 1994, ApJ 435, L63.
- Gilmozi, R., et al. 1995, WFPC2 ISR 95-02, Baltimore, STScI
- Gonzaga, S., et al. 1998, The Drizzling Cookbook, ISR WFPC2 98-04.
- Gonzaga, S., et al. 1999, WFPC2 Aperture Photometry Corrections as a Function of Chip Position, TIR WFPC2 99-01.
- Gonzaga, S., Baggett, S., Biretta, J. 2001, Preliminary Assessment of the FR533N Filter Anomaly, ISR WFPC2 01-04.
- Gonzaga, S., Baggett, S., Biretta, J. 2002, An Analysis of WFPC2 Filter Positional Anomalies, ISR WFPC2 02-04.
- Gonzaga, S., Biretta, J. 2002, Predicting Photometry Errors due to Linear Ramp Filters, TIR WFPC2 02-06.
- Groth, E. and Shaya, E. 1991, in Wide Field/Planetary Camera Final Orbital/Science Verification Report, S., M., Faber, Ed.
- Griffiths, R. Ewald, S. and MacKenty, J. W. 1989, in CCDs in Astronomy, PASP 8, 231, ed. G. Jacoby.
- Gunn, J. E., and Oke, J. B. 1983, ApJ 266, 713.
- Harris, H. C., et al. 1991, Photometric Calibration of the HST WF/PC-1 Camera: I. Ground Based Observations of Standard Stars, AJ 101, 677.
- Hasan, H. and Bely, P. 1993, Restoration of HST Images and Spectra II, p.157.
- Hasan, H. and Burrows, C. J. 1993, "Calibrations of the Hubble Space Telescope Optical Telescope Assembly" in Calibrating Hubble Space Telescope, eds. C. Blades and S. Osmer, p. 395.
- Harris, et al. 1991, AJ 101, 677.
- Holtzman, J., et al. 1995a, "The Performance and Calibration of WFPC2 on the Hubble Space Telescope," PASP, 107, 156.
- Holtzman, J., et al. 1995b, "The Photometric Performance and Calibration of WFPC," PASP, 107, 1065.
- HST Data Handbook, C. Leitherer, ed., (Version 2.0, December 1995).1
- HST Phase II Proposal Instruction, (Version 8.0, 15 December 1995).1
- Interface Control Document (ICD) 19, "PODPS to STSDAS".
- Interface Control Document (ICD) 47, "PODPS to CDBS".
- Janesick, J., Elliot, T., Bredthauer, R., Cover, J., Schaefer, R. and Varian, R. 1989, in Optical Sensors and Electronic Photography, SPIE Proc. 1071.
- Janesick, J., Elliot, T., Blouke, M. and Corrie, B. 1989b, in Optical Sensors and Electronic Photography, SPIE Proc. 1071, 115, ed. B. Pophal.
- Jordan, Deltorn, and Oates 1993, Greenwich Observatory Newsletter, Sept. 1993.
- Koekemoer, A. M., et al. 2002, HST Dither Handbook (Version 2.0)
- Koekemoer, A. M., Fruchter, A.S., Hook, R.N., Hack, W. 2002, "MultiDrizzle: An Intergrated Script for Registering, Cleaning and Combining Images", 2002 HST Calibration Workshop, eds. S. Arribas and A.M. Koekemoer and B. Whitmore, p. 339.
- Koekemoer, A.M., Biretta, J., Mack, J. 2002, Updated WFPC2 Flatfield Reference Files for 1995 - 2001, ISR WFPC2 02-02.
- Koornneef, J. et al. 1983, "Synthetic Photometry and the Calibration of the Hubble Space Telescope," in Highlights of Astronomy, 7, 833, ed. J.-P. Swings.
- Kozhurina-Platais, V., Anderson J., Koekemoer, A. 2003, WFPC2 ISR 03-02, Baltimore, STScI
- Krist, J., Burrows, C. 1995, Applied Optics 34, 4951.
- Krist, J. E. 1995, "WFPC2 Ghosts, Scatter, and PSF Field Dependence," in Calibrating Hubble Space Telescope: Post Servicing Mission, eds. A. Koratkar and C. Leitherer, p. 311.
- Lauer, T. 1989, The Reduction of WF/PC Camera Images, P.A.S.P. 101, 445.
- Lauer, T. 1991, in Wide Field/Planetary Camera Final Orbital/Science Verification Report, ed. S. M. Faber.
- Oke, J.B. and Gunn, J. 1983, ApJ 266, 713.
- Riess, A. 2000, How CTE Affects Extended Sources, ISR WFPC2 00-04.
- Riess, A., Biretta, J., Casertano, S. 1999, Time Dependence of CTE from Cosmic Ray Trails, ISR WFPC2 99-04.
- STSDAS Calibration Guide (November 1991).1
- STDAS Users' Guide.
- Schneider, D. P., Gunn, J. E., and Hoessel, J. G. 1983, ApJ 264, 337.
- Schultz, A., Heyer, I., Biretta, J. 2001, Noiseless Preflashing of the WFPC2 CCDs, ISR WFPC2 01-02.
- Schultz, A., Baggett, S., Biretta, J. 2002, WFPC2 Clocks-ON Close Out, ISR WFPC2 02-01.
- Suchkov, A., Casertano, S. 1997, Impact of Focus Drift on Aperture Photometry, ISR WFPC2 97-01.
- Trauger, J. T. 1989, in CCDs in Astronomy, PASP 8, 217, ed. G. Jacoby.
- Trauger, J. T., ed. 1993, The WFPC2 Science Calibration Report, Pre-launch Version 1.2. [IDT calibration report]
- Trauger, J. T., Vaughan, A.H., Evans, R.W., Moody, D.C. 1995, "Geometry of the WFPC2 Focal Plane" Calibrating Hubble Space Telescope: Post Servicing Mission, eds. A. Koratkar and C. Leitherer, p. 379.
- Voit, M., ed., HST Data Handbook, (Version 3.0, October 1997).3
- WF/PC-1 IDT OV/SV Report, WFPC2 World Wide Web page at address:
- Westphal, J., et al. 1982, The Wide Field/Planetary Camera in The Space Telescope Observatory, IAU 18th General Assembly, Patras, NASA CP-2244.
- Whitmore, B. 1998, "Time Dependence of the Charge Transfer Efficiency on the WFPC2."4
- Whitmore, B., Heyer, I. 1997, New Results on Charge Transfer Efficiency and Constraints on Flat-Field Accuracy, ISR WFPC2 97-08 (updated in 1998).
- Whitmore, B., Heyer, I., Casertano, S. 1999, PASP 111, 1559.
- Whitmore, B., Heyer I. 2002, Charge Transfer Efficiency for Very Faint Objects and a Reexamination of the Long-vs-Short Problem for the WFPC2, ISR WFPC2 02-03.
- Woodgate, B. E. 1989, in CCDs in Astronomy, PASP 8, 237, ed. G. Jacoby.
Instrument Science Reports
These documents may be requested by e-mail from
or online at:http://www.stsci.edu/instruments/wfpc2/wfpc2_bib.html
- ISR WFPC2 04-01: The Accuracy of WFPC2 Photometric Zeropoints, Heyer, I., Richardson, M., Whitmore, B., Lubin, L.
- ISR WFPC2 03-03: WFPC2 Cycle 12 Calibration Plan, Koekemoer, A. M., Heyer, I., Brammer, G., Kozhurina-Platais, V., Rhoads, J., Whitmore, B.
- ISR WFPC2 03-02: Toward a Multi-Wavelength Geometric Distortion Solution for WFPC2, Kozhurina-Platais, V., Anderson, J., Koekemoer, A. M.
- ISR WFPC2 03-01: WFPC2 Cycle 9 Closure Report, Koekemoer, A. M., Baggett, S., Casertano, S., Gonzaga, S., Heyer, I., and the WFPC2 Group.
- ISR WFPC2 02-07: Updated Contamination Rates for WFPC2 UV Filters, McMaster, M., Whitmore, B.
- ISR WFPC2 02-06: Results of the Observatory Verification for WFPC2 after Servicing Mission 3B, Koekemoer, A. M., and the WFPC2 Group.
- ISR WFPC2 02-05: WFPC2 Cycle 11 Calibration Plan, Gonzaga, S., and the WFPC2 Group.
- ISR WFPC2 02-04: An Analysis of WFPC2 Filter Positional Anomalies, Gonzaga, S., Baggett S., Biretta, J.
- ISR WFPC2 02-03: Charge Transfer Efficiency for Very Faint Objects and a Reexamination of the Long-vs-Short Problem for the WFPC2, Whitmore, B., Heyer I.
- ISR WFPC2 02-02: Updated WFPC2 Flatfield Reference Files for 1995 - 2001, Koekemoer, A.M., Biretta, J., Mack, J.
- ISR WFPC2 02-01: WFPC2 Clocks-ON Close Out, Schultz, A., Baggett, S., Biretta, J.
- ISR WFPC2 01-11: Summary of WFPC2 SM3B Plans, A. M. Koekemoer, S. Gonzaga, I. Heyer, L. M. Lubin, and V. Kozhurina-Platais.
- ISR WFPC2 01-10: An Improved Geometric Solution for WFPC2, S. Casertano and M. Wiggs
- ISR WFPC2 01-09: The WFPC2 Photometric CTE Monitor, I. Heyer.
- ISR WFPC2 01-08: Creating WFPC2 Dark Reference Files: Addendum, J. Mack, S. Baggett, and J. Biretta.
- ISR WFPC2 01-07: WFPC2 Flatfields with Reduced Noise, E. Karkoschka and J. Biretta.
- ISR WFPC2 01-06: WFPC2 Cycle 8 Closure Report, S. Baggett, S. Gonzaga, J. Biretta, S. Casertano, I. Heyer, A. M. Koekemoer, J. Mack, M. McMaster, A. Riess, A. Schultz, and M. S. Wiggs.
- ISR WFPC2 01-05: WFPC2 Dark Current vs. Time, Mack, J., Biretta, J., Baggett, S., Proffitt, C.
- ISR WFPC2 01-04: Preliminary Assessment of the FR533N Filter Anomaly, Gonzaga, S., Baggett, S., Biretta, J.
- ISR WFPC2 01-03: WFPC2 Cycle 10 Calibration Plan, Baggett, S., et al.
- ISR WFPC2 01-02: Noiseless Preflashing of the WFPC2 CCDs, Schultz, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 01-01: Creating WFPC2 Dark Reference Files, Mack and Wiggs.
- ISR WFPC2 00-04: How CTE Affects Extended Sources, Riess.
- ISR WFPC2 00-03: Update on Charge Trapping and CTE Residual Images in WFPC2, Baggett, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 00-02: Results of the WFPC2 Observatory Verification after SM3a, Casertano, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 00-01: WFPC2 Cycle 9 Calibration Plan, Baggett, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 99-05: WFPC2 Cycle 7 Closure Report, Baggett, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 99-04: Time Dependence of CTE from Cosmic Ray Trails, Riess, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 99-03: Summary of WFPC2 SM3a Plans, Casertano, et al., (revised: December 20, 1999).
- ISR WFPC2 99-02: WFPC2 Cycle 8 Calibration Plan, Baggett, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 99-01: Internal Flat Field Monitoring II. Stability of the Lamps, Flat Fields, and Gain Ratios, O'Dea, Mutchler, Wiggs.
- ISR WFPC2 98-04: The Drizzling Cookbook, Gonzaga, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 98-03: WFPC2 Long-Term Photometric Stability, Baggett and Gonzaga.
- ISR WFPC2 98-02: The Long vs. Short Anomaly in WFPC2 Images, Casertano and Mutchler.
- ISR WFPC2 98-01: WFPC2 Cycle 6 Calibration Closure Report, Baggett, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 97-11: WFPC2 Polarization Calibration, Biretta and McMaster.
- ISR WFPC2 97-10: WFPC2 SYNPHOT Update, Baggett, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 97-09: Results of the WFPC2 Post-Servicing Mission-2 Calibration Program, Biretta, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 97-08: New Results on Charge Transfer Efficiency and Constraints on Flat-Field Accuracy, Whitmore and Heyer.
- ISR WFPC2 97-07: WFPC2 Electronics Verification, Stiavelli and Mutchler.
- ISR WFPC2 97-06: WFPC2 Cycle 7 Calibration Plan, Casertano, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 97-05: Charge Trapping and CTE Residual Images in the WFPC2 CCDs, Biretta and Mutchler.
- ISR WFPC2 97-04: Properties of WFPC2 Bias Frames, O'Dea, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 97-03: Summary of WFPC2 SM97 Plans, Biretta, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 97-02: WFPC2 Cycle 5 Calibration Closure Report, Casertano and Baggett.
- ISR WFPC2 97-01: Impact of Focus Drift on Aperture Photometry, Suchkov and Casertano.
- ISR WFPC2 96-02: Contamination Correction in SYNPHOT for WFPC2 and WF/PC-1, Baggett, et al.
- ISR WFPC2 96-01: Internal Flat Field Monitoring, Stiavelli and Baggett.
- ISR WFPC2 95-07: WFPC2 Cycle 4 Calibration Summary, Baggett, Casertano, and Biretta.
- ISR WFPC2 95-06: A Field Guide to WFPC2 Image Anomalies, Biretta, Ritchie, and Rudloff.
- ISR WFPC2 95-05: Wavelength / Aperture Calibration of the WFPC2 Linear Ramp Filters, Biretta, Ritchie, Baggett, MacKenty.
- ISR WFPC2 95-04: Demonstration Analysis Script for Performing Aperture Photometry, Whitmore and Heyer.
- ISR WFPC2 95-03: Charge Transfer Traps in the WFPC2, Whitmore and Wiggs.
- ISR WFPC2 95-02: The Geometric Distortion of the WFPC2 Cameras, Gilmozzi, R. et al.
- ISR WFPC2 95-01: WFPC2 Polarization Observations: Strategies, Apertures, and Calibration Plans, Biretta and Sparks.
- ISR WFPC2 94-03: WFPC2 Pipeline Calibration, Burrows, C.
- ISR WFPC2 94-01: Large Angle Scattering in WFPC2 and Horizontal "Smearing" Correction, Krist, J. and Burrows, C.
- ISR WFPC2 93-01: Polarizer Quad Nomenclature, Clampin, M.
- ISR WFPC2 92-06: WFPC2 CCDs, Clampin, M.
- ISR WFPC2 92-05: WFPC2 AFM and POMM Actuation Algorithm, Burrows, C.
- ISR WFPC2 92-04: Science with the Second Wide Field and Planetary Camera, Trauger, J.T. et al.
- ISR WFPC2 92-03: WFPC2 Science Observation and Engineering Modes, Trauger, J.T. and Brown, D.I.
- ISR WFPC2 92-02: System Level Contamination Issues for WFPC2 and COSTAR, Clampin, M.
Technical Instrument Reports
Internal memos, available by request to
- TIR WFPC2 02-06: Predicting Photometry Errors due to Linear Ramp Filters, Gonzaga, S., Biretta, J.
- TIR WFPC2 02-05: SMOV3B WFPC2 Lyman-Alpha Throughput Check, L.M. Lubin, B. Whitmore, A.M. Koekemoer, I. Heyer.
- TIR WFPC2 02-04: SMOV3B WFPC2 Photometry Check, B. Whitmore, I. Heyer.
- TIR WFPC2 02-03: SMOV3B WFPC2 UV Contamination Monitoring and Throughput Check, A. M. Koekemoer, S. Gonzaga, L. Lubin, B. Whitmore, I. Heyer.
- TIR WFPC2 02-02: SMOV3B Flat Field Verification, A. M. Koekemoer and I. Heyer.
- TIR WFPC2 02-01: SMOV3b Check of the WFPC2 Point-Spread-Function, V. Kozhurina-Platais, L.M. Lubin, and A.M. Koekemoer.
- TIR WFPC2 01-02: Testing the On-The-Fly-Reprocessing System with WFPC2 Data, S. Gonzaga, S. Baggett, J. Biretta.
- TIR WFPC2 01-01: Shutter Jitter History Measured from INTFLATs, Riess, A., Casertano, S., and Biretta, J.
- TIR WFPC2 00-05: Testing the On-The-Fly-Calibration System with WFPC2 Data, Wiggs, M.S., and Baggett, S.
- TIR WFPC2 00-04: WFPC2 Internal Monitoring, O'Dea C., Heyer I., and Baggett, S.
- TIR WFPC2 00-03: SM3a SMOV WFPC2 Photometry Check, Schultz, A., Gonzaga, S., Casertano, S.
- TIR WFPC2 00-02: Results of the WFPC2 SM3a Lyman-Alpha Throughput Check, Baggett, S., Heyer, I.
- TIR WFPC2 00-01: SMOV3a Flat Field Stability Check, Koekemoer, A., Biretta, J., Wiggs, M.S.
- TIR WFPC2 99-02: Preliminary Results of the Noiseless Preflash Test, Schultz, A., Heyer, I., Biretta, J.
- TIR WFPC2 99-01: WFPC2 Aperture Photometry Corrections as a Function of Chip Position, Gonzaga, S., O'Dea, C., Whitmore, B.
- TIR WFPC2 98-04A: Addendum to TIR WFPC2 98-04, Biretta, J., Baggett, S.
- TIR WFPC2 98-04: Proposed Modification to the WFPC2 SAA Avoidance Contour, Biretta, J., Baggett, S.
- TIR WFPC2 98-03: WFPC2 Dark Current Evolution, Baggett, S., Casertano, S., Wiggs, M.S.
- TIR WFPC2 98-02: Analysis of the Excess Charge in WFPC2 Overscans, Mutchler, M., O'Dea, C., Biretta, J.
- TIR WFPC2 98-01: Time Dependence of the CTE on the WFPC2, Whitmore, B.
- TIR WFPC2 97-11: Long-Term Study of Bias Jumps, O'Dea, C., McMaster, M., Heyer, I.
- TIR WFPC2 97-10: WFPC2 Photometry from Subtraction of Observed PSFs, Surdej, J., Baggett, S., Remy, M., Wiggs, M.S.
- TIR WFPC2 97-09: The WFPC2 PSF Library, Wiggs, M.S., Baggett, S., Surdej, J., Tullos, C.
- TIR WFPC2 97-08: SMOV Flat Field Check, Biretta, J., Wiggs, M.S.
- TIR WFPC2 97-07: WFPC2 Internal Monitoring for SM97, Mutchler, M., Stiavelli, M.
- TIR WFPC2 97-06: SMOV Check of WFPC2 PSF Stability, Fruchter, A., McMaster, M.
- TIR WFPC2 97-05: Results of the WFPC2 SM-2 Lyman-Alpha Throughput Check, O'Dea, C., Baggett, S., Gonzaga, S.
- TIR WFPC2 97-04: VISFLAT Channel Monitoring, Stiavelli, M.
- TIR WFPC2 97-03: OTA Focus during SMOV, Casertano, S., Lallo, M., Suchkov, A., Krist, J.
- TIR WFPC2 97-02: SM-2 UV Monitoring and Cooldown Procedure, Stiavelli, M., Biretta, J., Baggett, S., Gonzaga, S., Mutchler, M.
- TIR WFPC2 97-01: Results of the WFPC2 SMOV Relative Photometry Check, Whitmore, B., Gonzaga, S., Heyer, I.
Other Selected Documents
- The WFPC2 Instrument Handbook, Version 8.0
- The HST Data Handbook, Version 4.0
- HST Dither Handbook, Version 2.0
- The WFPC2 Tutorial, a step-by-step guide to reducing WFPC2 data
- The Space Telescope Analysis Newsletter (STAN)
- The WFPC2 History memo, containing chronological information on decontaminations, darks, focus changes, and miscellaneous items
- How to calibrate WFPC2 Linear Ramp Filter data.
- Time Dependence of the Charge Transfer Efficiency.
- The WFPC2 Reference Files, a complete list of all reference files available for recalibrating WFPC2 data.
- The STSDAS SYNPHOT User's Guide.
- The Guide to WFPC2 SYNPHOT Tables, which describes the use of the STSDAS task SYNPHOT for WFPC2 photometry.
- WFPC2 Photometry and SYNPHOT.
- Table of up-to-date SYNPHOT photflams and zeropoints.
The WFPC2 Data Analysis Library
The WFPC2 Data Analysis Library (formerly the WFPC2 Clearinghouse) is a web-based tool designed to provide users with a searchable listing of all known journal articles, STScI documentation and reports, as well as user-submitted documents which report on all aspects of the performance, calibration, and scientific use of WFPC2. The Data Analysis Library can be found at:
The primary goal of the Data Analysis Library is to make it easier for WFPC2 users to take advantage of the fact that there are hundreds of researchers reducing and analyzing WFPC2 data, and of their results.
We have searched through the astronomical literature and selected all articles that contain any reference or description of the calibration, reduction, and scientific analysis of WFPC2 data. Due to the extremely large volume of material, the on-line database is only complete through 1997. After 1997, we have only continued to update the Data Analysis Library with STScI documentation and reports, including Instrument Science Reports and Technical Instrument Reports. Each article that is included in our database had an estimate of its importance in up to 50 calibration topics. The entry for each article has the following format:
where the category number following each keyword stands for the following:
- (3)= One of the fundamental references on this topic.
- (2)= Some new information on this topic.
- (1)= General information on the subject.
The user can select from a large list of WFPC2 calibration related topics (see below). The results from a Data Analysis Library search will list, alphabetically by author, all articles containing references to the selected topic. For journal articles, each reference is linked to that article's entry in the ADS Abstract Database, so that users can quickly determine if that particular article is relevant to their individual needs.
The following topics are available:
1Available at
2These documents may be requested by e-mail fromhelp@stsci.edu
3Available at:http://www.stsci.edu/instruments/wfpc2/Wfpc2_dhb/WFPC2_ longdhbcover.html
4Available at:http://www.stsci.edu/instruments/wfpc2/Wfpc2_isr/
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