![]() | Fine Guidance Sensor Instrument Handbook for Cycle 14 | |||||
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1: Introduction
- 1.1 Purpose
- 1.2 Instrument Handbook Layout
- 1.3 Two-gyro Guiding
- 1.4 The FGS as a Science Instrument
- 1.5 Technical Overview
- 1.5.1 The Instrument
- 1.5.2 Spectral Response
- 1.5.3 The S-Curve: The FGS's Interferogram
- 1.5.4 FGS1r and the AMA
- 1.5.5 Field of View
- 1.5.6 Modes of Operation
- 1.6 Planning and Analyzing FGS Observations
- 1.6.1 Writing an FGS Proposal
- 1.6.2 Data Reduction
- 1.7 FGS2r
- 1.7.1 HST's 2nd Replacement FGS
Chapter 2: FGS Instrument Design
- 2.1 The Optical Train
- 2.1.1 The Star Selectors
- 2.1.2 The Interferometer
- 2.2 FGS Detectors
- 2.3 HST's Spherical Aberration
- 2.4 The FGS Interferometric Response
- 2.4.1 The Ideal S-Curve
- 2.4.2 Actual S-Curves
- 2.5 The FGS1r Articulated Mirror Assembly
- 2.6 FGS Aperture and Filters
- 2.6.1 FOV and Detector Coordinates
- 2.6.2 Filters and Spectral Coverage
- 2.7 FGS Calibrations
Chapter 3: FGS Science Guide
- 3.1 The Unique Capabilities of the FGS
- 3.2 Position Mode: Precision Astrometry
- 3.3 Transfer Mode: Binary Stars and Extended Objects
- 3.3.1 Observing Binaries: The FGS vs. WFPC2
- 3.3.2 Transfer Mode Performance
- 3.4 Combining FGS Modes: Determining Stellar Masses
- 3.5 Angular Diameters
- 3.6 Relative Photometry
- 3.7 Moving Target Observations
- 3.8 Summary of FGS Performance
- 3.9 Special Topics Bibliography
- 3.9.1 STScI General Publications
- 3.9.2 Position Mode Observations
- 3.9.3 Transfer Mode Observations
- 3.9.4 Miscellaneous Observations
- 3.9.5 Web Resources
Chapter 4: Observing with the FGS
- 4.1 Position Mode Overview
- 4.1.1 The Position Mode Visit
- 4.1.2 The Position Mode Exposure
- 4.2 Planning Position Mode Observations
- 4.2.1 Target Selection Criteria
- 4.2.2 Filters
- 4.2.3 Background
- 4.2.4 Position Mode Exposure Time Calculations
- 4.2.5 Exposure Strategies for Special Cases
- 4.2.6 Sources Against a Bright Background
- 4.2.7 Crowded Field Sources
- 4.3 Position Mode Observing Strategies
- 4.3.1 Summary of Position Mode Error Sources
- 4.3.2 Drift and Exposure Sequencing
- 4.3.3 Cross Filter Observations
- 4.3.4 Moving Target Observation Strategy
- 4.4 Transfer Mode Overview
- 4.4.1 The FGS Response to a Binary
- 4.4.2 The Transfer Mode Exposure
- 4.5 Planning a Transfer Mode Observation
- 4.5.1 Target Selection Criteria
- 4.5.2 Transfer Mode Filter and Color Effects
- 4.5.3 Signal-to-Noise
- 4.5.4 Transfer Mode Exposure Time Calculations
- 4.6 Transfer Mode Observing Strategies
- 4.6.1 Summary of Transfer Mode Error Sources
- 4.6.2 Drift Correction
- 4.6.3 Temporal Variability of the S-Curve
- 4.6.4 Background and Dark Counts Subtraction
- 4.6.5 Empirical Roll Angle Determination
- 4.6.6 Exposure Strategies for Special Cases: Moving Targets
Chapter 5: FGS Calibration Program
- 5.1 Position Mode Calibrations and Error Sources
- 5.1.1 Position Mode Exposure Level Calibrations
- 5.1.2 Position Mode Visit Level Calibrations
- 5.1.3 Position Mode Epoch-Level Calibrations
- 5.2 Transfer Mode Calibrations and Error Sources
- 5.3 Linking Transfer and Position Mode Observations
- 5.4 Cycle 13 Calibration and Monitoring Program
- 5.4.1 Active FGS1r Calibration and Monitoring Programs
- 5.5 Special Calibrations
Chapter 6: Writing a Phase II Proposal
- 6.1 Phase II Proposals: Introduction
- 6.1.1 Required Information
- 6.1.2 STScI Resources for Phase II Proposal Preparation
- 6.2 Instrument Configuration
- 6.2.1 Optional Parameters for FGS Exposures
- 6.3 Special Requirements
- 6.3.1 Visit-Level Special Requirements
- 6.3.2 Exposure-Level Special Requirements
- 6.4 Overheads
- 6.4.1 Pos Mode Overheads
- 6.4.2 Trans Mode Overhead
- 6.5 Proposal Logsheet Examples
- 6.5.1 Parallax program using FGS1r in Pos mode
- 6.5.2 Determining a binary's orbital elements using FGS1r in Trans mode
- 6.5.3 Mass determination: Trans and Pos mode
- 6.5.4 Faint binary with Trans mode: special background measurements
Chapter 7: FGS Astrometry Data Processing
- 7.1 Data Processing Overview
- 7.2 Exposure-Level Processing
- 7.2.1 Initial Pipeline Processing
- 7.2.2 Observing Mode Dependent Processing
- 7.3 Visit-Level Processing
- 7.3.1 Position Mode
- 7.3.2 Transfer Mode
- 7.4 Epoch-Level Processing
- 7.4.1 Parallax, Proper Motion, and Reflex Motion
- 7.4.2 Binary Stars and Orbital Elements
Appendix A: Target Acquisition and Tracking
- A.1 FGS Control
- A.2 Target Acquisition and Position Mode Tracking
- A.2.1 Slew to the Target
- A.2.2 Search
- A.2.3 CoarseTrack
- A.2.4 FineLock
- A.3 Transfer Mode Acquisition and Scanning
- A.4 Visit Level Control
Appendix B: FGS1r Performance Summary
- B.1 FGS1r's First Three Years in Orbit
- B.2 Angular Resolution Test
- B.2.1 Test Results: The Data
- B.2.2 Test Results: Binary Star Analysis
- B.3 FGS1r's Angular Resolution: Conclusions
- B.4 FGS1r: Final AMA Adjustment
Glossary of Terms
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