Space Telescope Science Institute   1.4 The Help Desk at STScI  1.6 Nonproprietary STIS Data

1.5 The STIS Web Pages and Supporting Information

The Spectrographs Group at STScI maintains World Wide Web pages ( Figure 1.3) as part of STScI's web service. The URL for the top level STScI STIS web site is:

The STIS web pages include up-to-date information about STIS operations and performance. Links to this information are organized into categories and sub-categories which are listed in a menu on the left hand side of all STIS group web pages. In addition to these main categories, a "shortcuts" list of links to frequently used resources is displayed on the right hand side of most STIS web pages. You can also search for specific information, as all STIS documentation is indexed on STIS-specific keywords.

The categories are:

Figure 1.3: STIS Web Page


 1.4 The Help Desk at STScI  1.6 Nonproprietary STIS Data
Space Telescope Science Institute
Voice: (410) 338-1082