The Spectrographs Group at STScI maintains World Wide Web pages ( Figure 1.3) as part of STScI's web service. The URL for the top level STScI STIS web site is:
The STIS web pages include up-to-date information about STIS operations and performance. Links to this information are organized into categories and sub-categories which are listed in a menu on the left hand side of all STIS group web pages. In addition to these main categories, a "shortcuts" list of links to frequently used resources is displayed on the right hand side of most STIS web pages. You can also search for specific information, as all STIS documentation is indexed on STIS-specific keywords.
Instrument Design:
A high-level summary of the basic design and operation of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), including summary information on the detectors
, gratings
, apertures
, and filters
available for use.
More detailed information on actual on-orbit performance of the STIS. Sub-categories are image quality
, sensitivity
, spectral resolution
, throughput
, background
, accuracy
, monitoring
, and anomalies
Observing Strategy:
Discussions of target acquisitions
and other aspects of the design of imaging
and spectroscopic
observations with STIS.
Things you need to know in order to successfully construct and submit Phase 1 and Phase 2 proposals for STIS observations, and how to monitor the status of your observing program.
Data Analysis:
Resources describing STIS data characteristics and analysis, including the HST Data Handbook
Software Tools:
Software tools that can be retrieved (e.g., an IRAF script for creating daily dark reference files) or run directly over the network (e.g., the Exposure Time Calculators
and the Target Acquisition Simulator
Document Archive:
Electronic versions of the Instrument and Data Handbooks as well as detailed technical information concerning the development, performance, testing, operation, and calibration of the STIS as documented in a series of STIS Instrument Science Reports
(ISRs) and STScI Analysis Newsletters
(STANs). These reports can be downloaded directly from the WWW.
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