There is a large amount of existing, nonproprietary STIS data available for retrieval from the HST Data Archive. They include observations obtained in the Second Servicing Mission Early Release programs (EROs-see Ap.J. Letters, Vol. 492, No. 2, 1998), the STIS Archival Pure Parallel Program
( Section 12.8.2), the ongoing calibration programs (see Chapter 17), data taken in connection with the Hubble Deep Field North
and South
programs, and early GTO and GO observations that are no longer proprietary. You can use either the HST Archive web interface
or StarView
to search for such data directly. Any such data may be freely acquired, as described in the HST Data Handbook
, for technical or scientific use. Examples of nonproprietary STIS science data are shown as illustrative examples interspersed in this Handbook.
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