Space Telescope Science Institute  Part I:   Introduction  1.1 Purpose

Chapter 1:

In this chapter. . .
Handbook Layout
Proposal Preparations and Observations with STIS
The Help Desk at STScI
The STIS Web Pages and Supporting Information
Nonproprietary STIS Data

STIS is a versatile imaging spectrograph. The instrument provides spatially resolved spectroscopy from 1150 to 10,300 Ć at low to medium spectral resolution, echelle spectroscopy in the ultraviolet, solar-blind imaging in the ultraviolet, time tagging of photons in the ultraviolet for high time resolution, and direct and coronagraphic imaging in the optical. This Handbook provides instrument-specific information you need to propose for STIS observations (Phase 1), design accepted programs (Phase 2), and understand STIS in detail.

This chapter explains the layout of the Handbook and describes how to use the Help Desk at STScI and the STScI STIS World Wide Web (WWW) site to get help and further information. Instrument and operating updates will be posted on the STIS web site.

Part I:   Introduction  1.1 Purpose
Space Telescope Science Institute
Voice: (410) 338-1082