Space Telescope Science Institute   8.14 Targets Chapter 9:  Preparation of the PDF Attachment

8.15 Observation Summary (OS)

(This item appears in the APT form only for GO and SNAP proposals)

The OS lists the main characteristics of the observations that you propose to obtain. In general you must include in the OS all the configurations, modes and spectral elements that you propose to use, and all the targets that you propose to observe. Configurations or targets that are not specified in the Phase I proposal, but are included in Phase II, may delay the program implementation, and may be disallowed. Note the following:

The OS consists of individual 'observation blocks', each containing several separate pieces of information.

All exposures of a given target made with a particular instrument may be summarized in a single observation block; observations of the same target with a second instrument (e.g. coordinated parallels) must be specified in a separate observation block.

Observation blocks are numbered sequentially in the APT Phase I proposal form. Each observation block should include the items that are listed and discussed below in separate sub-sections.

8.15.1 Target

Select the target from the pull down menu. The menu will contain all the targets you have entered on the "Targets" page.

8.15.2 Instrument

Select an instrument from the pull down menu. The menu will contain all the available instruments. Note that only one instrument can be selected in each observation block.

8.15.3 Instrument Setup(s)

Under "Instrument Setups" click on "Add". This will bring up a pop-up menu which will allow you to select the parameters for the observation (e.g., config, science mode, spectral elements).

8.15.4 Config

Enter the Scientific Instrument configuration. A pull-down menu shows the available and allowed options for the instrument you have selected.

8.15.5 Science Mode

Enter the science mode. A pull-down menu shows the available and allowed options (which depend on the choice of Configuration).

8.15.6 Coronagraphy

If you are proposing coronagraphic observations with NICMOS or ACS, then set this keyword to 'yes'. Coronagraphic observations with the ACS/SBC are not permitted (see Section 4.2 of the Primer and Section 3.3.2 of the ACS Instrument Handbook).

8.15.7 Polarizer

If you are proposing polarimetric observations with WFPC2, ACS or NICMOS, then set this keyword to 'yes'. There is no polarimetry keyword in the proposal pdf file, but this sets the appropriate flag in the Phase I submission.

8.15.8 Spectral Element

Enter the desired spectral elements (i.e., filters and gratings) using the 'Spectral Element' pull-down menus which show the available and allowed options (which depend on the choice of Configuration and Science Mode). Each Instrument Setup denotes a set of exposures with the same spectral elements. For example if you are taking 4 exposures with the B filter and 2 with the V filter, one instrument setup would give the B filter as the Spectral Element, and a separate instrument setup would give the V filter as the Spectral Element.

8.15.9 Orbits

Enter the number of orbits (i.e., the sum of the orbits required for all the instrument setups in the observation block). Consult Chapter 6 of the HST Primer for instructions on how to calculate the appropriate number of orbits for your observations.

8.15.10 Number of Iterations

If you require multiple sets of observations, enter the number of iterations. (For example, if you will reobserve at a different time or if you have a large mosaic). This will automatically update the total number of orbits requested for the target.

8.15.11 Special Requirement Checkboxes

Mark one or more of the special requirement checkboxes, if applicable. The meanings of the checkboxes are indicated in the table below. Note that for snapshot observations, only the 'duplication' checkbox is allowed.

Table 8.1:  Special Requirement Flags for the Observation Summary
Use this flag for
Coordinated Parallel
All of the exposures specified in this observation block are to be done in coordinated parallel mode (see Section 4.2).
Continuous Viewing Zone observations (see Section 4.1.1).
Observations which duplicate or might be perceived to duplicate previous or upcoming GO and/or GTO exposures (see Section 5.2.1).
Target of Opportunity
Target-of-Opportunity observations (see Section 4.1.2).
Pure Parallel
All of the exposures specified in this observation block are to be done in pure parallel mode (see Section 4.2.2).

8.15.12 Scheduling Requirements

For all proposals, we are requesting additional scheduling information for your observations; note that this request does not apply to either observations of solar system or generic targets. The additional information will help STScI understand and assess the scheduling implications of your program. Be sure also to read Section 9.2, 'Description of the Observations', as that is the primary place for describing your observing strategy.

For each Observation Block, please provide the following when appropriate;

8.15.13 Verifying Schedule Constraints

If you have specified any scheduling constraints, you should use APT to verify that your observations are indeed schedulable. Detailed instructions for performing this verification can be found in the APT Help menu.

In addition, if you are submitting a Large (more than 100 orbits of prime observations), Coordinated HST-Spitzer or Treasury program (which may also be Large), we are requesting further processing of your proposal. See the Large Program Web Page for details.

 8.14 Targets Chapter 9:  Preparation of the PDF Attachment
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