Space Telescope Science Institute   4.1 Overview  4.3 Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS1R)

4.2 Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS)

As of July 4, 2006, ACS switched over to its Side-2 electronics and lowered its WFC setpoint temperature from -77 C to -81 C. This may result in slight discrepancies when comparing data from Side-1 to data from Side-2 until the ACS Team can fully characterize and calibrate the Side-2 performance. Updated reference files will be incorporated into the CALACS pipeline as soon as they are available. Observers should consult the ACS Instrument Handbook and ACS Web Page for current information.

The ACS is designed to advance the survey capabilities of HST, defined as the product (Throughput x Detector Area), by a factor of ~ 10 in the visual and near infrared. This instrument comprises three channels, each optimized for a specific goal:

The WFC has a 202 x 202 arcsec field of view from 3700 to 11,000Å and a peak efficiency of 48% (including the OTA). The plate scale is ~ 0.05 arcsec/pixel, providing critical sampling at 11,600Å. The detector consists of a mosaic of two 2048 x 4096 Scientific Imaging Technologies (SITe) CCDs, with 15 x 15 µm pixels.

The HRC has a 29 x 25 arcsec field of view from 2000 to 11,000Å and a peak efficiency of 31%. The plate scale is ~ 0.027 arcsec/pixel, providing critical sampling at 6300Å. The detector is a 1024 x 1024 Scientific Image Technologies (SITe) CCD, with 21 x 21 µm pixels.

The SBC has a 34 x 31 arcsec field of view from 1150 to 1700Å and a peak efficiency of 6%. The plate scale is ~ 0.032 arcsec/pixel. The detector is a solar-blind CsI MAMA with 25 x 25 µm pixels.

In addition to these three prime capabilities, ACS also provides:

 4.1 Overview  4.3 Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS1R)
Space Telescope Science Institute
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