Suppose that you wish to use the FGS to observe a binary star named Binary01, as well as five reference stars ref1,......,ref5. All stars are in the same FGS field of view, and can therefore be observed in one and the same visit (see Section 6.2.3). Stars ref4 and ref5 have magnitude V=14.6, and all the other targets have 13.0<V<14.0. The targets have a declination of +42 degrees, so that there are 54 minutes of visibility time per orbit (see Table 6.1). To enable the removal of drift and jitter in the post observation analysis of the data, the binary is observed in POS mode three times and the reference stars are each observed twice. Your desired exposures are listed in Table A.4, and the associated overheads are listed in Table A.5. In Table A.6 you can see how this fits into a total of 1 orbit.
Table A.4: (Continued)FGS Example: Planned Exposures
Config |
Mode |
Spectral Element |
Number of Exp |
Time per Exp [m] |
Notes |
2 exposures of target Binary01, and 2 exposures for each of the targets ref1, ref2 and ref3 |
2 exposures for each of the targets ref4 and ref5 |
20 scans of 40 sec each (see Table 6.8) for Binary01 |
Table A.5: FGS Example: Incurred Overheads
Overhead |
Overhead Time [m] |
Notes |
see Table |
Guide star acquisition |
First orbit in new visit |
6.2 |
per exposure, V<14 |
6.6 |
per exposure, 14<V<15 |
6.6 |
per target |
6.6 |
per scan |
6.6 |
Instrument Setup |
once every orbit |
6.7 |
Instrument Shutdown |
once every orbit |
6.7 |
Table A.6: FGS Example: Orbit Planning
Activity |
Duration [m] |
Elapsed Time [m] |
Guide star acquisition |
Instrument Setup |
Binary01/POS mode Exp Time |
Binary01/POS mode Overhead |
ref1/POS mode Exp Time |
ref1/POS mode Overhead |
ref2/POS mode Exp Time |
ref2/POS mode Overhead |
ref3/POS mode Exp Time |
ref3/POS mode Overhead |
ref4/POS mode Exp Time |
ref4/POS mode Overhead |
ref5/POS mode Exp Time |
ref5/POS mode Overhead |
Binary01/POS mode Exp Time |
Binary01/POS mode Overhead |
ref1/POS mode Exp Time |
ref1/POS mode Overhead |
ref2/POS mode Exp Time |
ref2/POS mode Overhead |
ref3/POS mode Exp Time |
ref3/POS mode Overhead |
ref4/POS mode Exp Time |
ref4/POS mode Overhead |
ref5/POS mode Exp Time |
ref5/POS mode Overhead |
Binary01/POS mode Exp Time |
Binary01/POS mode Overhead |
Binary01/TRANS mode Exp Time |
Binary01/TRANS mode Overhead |
Instrument Shutdown |
Unused |