Phase 2 Proposal Instructions for Cycle 10


13.5 Tabular Data

13.5.1 TPG_TIME Values

The following table gives the legal TPG expose times (TPG_TIME) in seconds, needed to calculate legal exposure times in ACCUM and ACQ Modes. These values are approximated for simplicity, so that exposure times derived from them may be reduced by up to 1 msec.

Table 13.3: Quantized Legal NICMOS TPG Expose Times
0.000 0.014 0.021 0.028 0.035
0.042 0.050 0.057 0.064 0.071
0.078 0.085 0.100 0.107 0.114
0.128 0.143 0.157 0.172 0.186
0.207 0.229 0.250 0.272 0.301
0.329 0.358 0.394 0.437 0.473
0.523 0.573 0.630 0.688 0.759
0.831 0.910 0.996 1.096 1.197
1.318 1.440 1.584 1.734 1.906
2.085 2.286 2.508 2.752 3.017
3.311 3.626 3.978 4.365 4.781
5.246 5.755 6.307 6.917 7.583
8.314 9.117 9.999 10.959 12.020
13.181 14.450 15.848 17.375 19.052
20.887 22.908 25.116 27.539 30.198
33.108 36.305 39.811 43.645 47.860
52.476 57.544 63.092 69.178 75.858
83.177 91.198 100.000 109.648 120.221
131.826 144.542 158.484 173.780 190.546
208.925 229.082 251.188 275.423 299.980
301.994 331.125 359.998 363.073 398.103
419.994 436.516 478.628 479.990 524.805
575.439 630.956 691.826 758.575 831.760
839.989 899.985 912.006 959.981 1000.000
1079.995 1096.474 1199.987 1202.259 1259.983
1318.252 1319.980 1379.997 1439.993 1445.434
1559.986 1584.887 1679.999 1737.795 1739.996
1859.988 1905.455 1919.984 2039.998 2089.292
2099.994 2219.986 2279.983 2290.864 2339.979
2399.996 2459.993 2511.882 2519.989 2639.981
2699.999 2754.225 2759.995 2819.991 2879.987
2939.983 2999.980 3019.950 3059.997 3179.989
3239.986 3299.982 3311.307 3359.999 3479.992
3539.988 3599.984 3630.778 3981.071 4365.154
4786.295 5248.072 5754.398


13.5.2 NICMOS Apertures

Each camera has two apertures defined near the center of the FOV. Only exposures using the corresponding configuration (NIC1, NIC2, NIC3) may use a given cameraÕs apertures. The CAMERA-FOCUS optional parameter may be used to select a compromise focus position not optimized for either NIC1 or NIC2, but intended to work well with both.

One of the two FOV-center apertures (NIC1, NIC2, NIC3) is an optimal location near the center of the FOV considering detector efficiency and pixel quality, which will be updated by the STScI as the detectors change on orbit. One aperture in each camera (NIC1ÐFIX, NIC2ÐFIX, NIC3ÐFIX) corresponds to a fixed pixel at or near the center of the detector array, which will not change on orbit.

The aperture NIC2ÐCORON is the location of the coronographic spot in the NIC2 camera. It will be used by science exposures which have been preceded by a target acquisition exposure using the NIC2ÐACQ aperture or by a real-time acquisition image obtained using the NIC2-CORON aperture. The acquisition aperture will be slightly offset from the coronographic aperture, but within the acquisition detector subarray.

Table 13.4: NICMOS Apertures
Aperture Required Configuration Description
NIC1 NIC1ÐFIX NIC1 Optimum Center of NIC1 FOV Geometric Center of NIC1 FOV
NIC2 NIC2ÐACQ NIC2ÐCORON NIC2ÐFIX NIC2 Optimum Center of NIC2 FOV Coronographic Acquisition Aperture NIC2 Coronographic Spot Geometric Center of NIC2 FOV
NIC3 NIC3ÐFIX NIC3 Optimum Center of NIC3 FOV Geometric Center of NIC3 FOV


13.5.3 NICMOS Spectral Elements

The following Spectral Elements, including filters, polarizers, and grisms, are available for the three NICMOS cameras. Only exposures using the corresponding configuration (NIC1, NIC2, NIC3) may use a given cameraÕs spectral elements. See the NICMOS Instrument Handbook for details.

Table 13.5: Spectral Elements for the NICMOS
Name Wheel Position Central Wavelength (microns) Bandwidth (microns) Description
Config = NIC1
F090M F095N F097N F108N F110M F110W F113N F140W F145M F160W F164N F165M F166N F170M F187N F190N 18 19 20 16 17 2 15 6 13 14 11 10 12 7 8
0.900 0.953 0.970 1.083 1.100 1.100 1.130 1.400 1.450 1.600 1.644 1.650 1.660 1.700 1.875 1.900 0.800 Ð 1.000 1% 1% 1% 1.000 Ð 1.200 0.800 Ð 1.400 1% 1.000 Ð 1.800 1.350 Ð 1.550 1.400 Ð 1.800 1% 1.550 Ð 1.750 1% 1.600 Ð 1.800 1% 1%
S III S III Continuum He I

He I Continuum Broad Band Water
Fe II Continuum
Paschen Alpha Paschen Alpha Continuum
POL0S POL120S POL240S 5 4 3 1.050 1.050 1.050 0.810 Ð 1.290 0.810 Ð 1.290 0.810 Ð 1.290 Short Polarizer Ð 0 deg Short Polarizer Ð 120 deg Short Polarizer Ð 240 deg
BLANK 1 N/A N/A Blank (opaque)
Config = NIC2
F110W F160W F165M F171M F180M F187N F187W F190N F204M F205W F207M F212N F215N F216N F222M F237M 18 19 20 7 8 10 9 11 2 17 6 12 13 14 15 16 1.100 1.600 1.650 1.715 1.800 1.875 1.875 1.900 2.040 2.050 2.075 2.121 2.150 2.165 2.225 2.375 0.800 Ð 1.400 1.400 Ð 1.800 1.550 Ð 1.750 1.680 Ð 1.750 1.765 Ð 1.835 1% 1.750 Ð 2.000 1% 1.990 Ð 2.090 1.750 Ð 2.350 2.000 Ð 2.150 1% 1% 1% 2.150 Ð 2.300 2.300 Ð 2.450
Minimum Background
HCO2 & C2 Continuum HCO2 & C2 Paschen Alpha
Paschen Alpha Continuum Methane Imaging Broad Band
H2 H2 & Brackett Gamma Continuum Brackett Gamma CO Continuum CO Band
POL0L POL120L POL240L 3 4 5 2.050 2.050 2.050 1.900 Ð 2.100 1.900 Ð 2.100 1.900 Ð 2.100 Long Polarizer Ð 0 deg Long Polarizer Ð 120 deg Long Polarizer Ð 240 deg
BLANK 1 N/A N/A Blank (opaque)
Config = NIC3
F108N F110W F113N F150W F160W F164N F166N F175W F187N F190N F196N F200N F212N F215N F222M F240M 4 2 5 9 6 8 7 20 11 12 13 14 18 19 15 16 1.083 1.100 1.130 1.500 1.600 1.644 1.660 1.750 1.875 1.900 1.962 2.000 2.121 2.150 2.225 2.400 1% 0.800 Ð 1.400 1% 1.100 Ð 1.900 1.400 Ð 1.800 1% 1% 1.200 Ð 2.300 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2.150 Ð 2.300 2.300 Ð 2.500 He I
He I Continuum Grism B Continuum Minimum Background Fe II Fe II Continuum
Paschen Alpha Paschen Alpha Continuum SI VI SI VI Continuum H2 H2 Continuum CO Continuum CO Band
G096 G141 G206 3 10 17 0.967 1.414 2.067 0.800 Ð 1.200 1.100 Ð 1.900 1.400 Ð 2.500 Grism A Grism B Grism C
BLANK 1 N/A N/A Blank (opaque)


Space Telescope Science Institute
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