Phase 2 Proposal Instructions for Cycle 10


2.1 How to Submit Phase II Information

The computer software used to schedule and execute HST observations can interpret the proposal information only if it is in the proper format. Therefore, proposals must be filled out accurately, completely, and in strict accordance with the instructions in this document. Observers now have the capability and responsibility (with the help of their Program Coordinator and Contact Scientist) for creating and submitting proposals that are not only syntactically correct but also feasible and schedulable. This is possible using the revised Remote Proposal Submission (RPS2) software.

An observer prepares the Phase II information at his or her home institution and then submits it electronically to STScI using the RPS2 software. They will be provided with a template RPS2 file which, for GOs, contains all relevant information from their Phase I submission (e.g. the title and abstract) already filled in. Observers should consult the RPS2 UserŐs Manual for detailed instructions on how to install and use RPS2 at their home institutions. This will enable the proposal to be checked before electronic submission to STScI. (Observers without access to suitable computer equipment should contact their Program Coordinator to make other arrangements.) To get the UserŐs Manual, go to:

The RPS2 software allows the proposer to create a Phase II program which is free from errors and is feasible and schedulable. However, observers are urged to discuss their proposals and any problems encountered in filling out the Phase II template or using the RPS2 software with their assigned Program Coordinator and/or Contact Scientist.

The RPS2 submission system will give the submitter an automatic electronic acknowledgment. This will generally be followed in a few days by an acknowledgment from the Program Coordinator.

If, at the time of submission, the proposal contains outstanding errors, the RPS2 submission system will give a warning, but will allow the proposal to be submitted. However, the proposal will be flagged as having outstanding errors, and the observer will be contacted by the Program Coordinator within a few days to discuss how to proceed (if they have not discussed this already).

The resolution of errors in the Phase II Program is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator. The fact that RPS2 may allow you to submit a program that contains errors does not mean that program can or will be scheduled. These Instructions are, essentially, a programming language, and therefore they need to compile successfully before they can execute.

We strive to make RPS2 useful and complete for preparing and checking your Phase II program, but it is nevertheless imperfect. On rare occasions syntax errors are not detected, and RPS2 does not check for guide stars. Caution and common sense are needed. In particular, many problems arise when programs are edited directly as text rather than using the facilities in PED. If you edit outside of PED, be sure to check the output from the DG to see if anything was lost, and consult with your Program Coordinator for advice.


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