The primary goal of the Second Servicing Mission's Orbital Verification (SMOV2) was the timely commissioning of the HST observatory for normal science operations. For STIS, just installed at this time, this included testing the focus (internal and external), verifying the target acquisition procedures, monitoring instrument stability (both in terms of image motions and sensitivity), and measuring selected characteristics: plate scales, slit throughputs, line spread functions, etc. SMOV2 observations were complete by the summer of 1997. Most of the results of the calibrations were presented in the 1997 HST Calibration Workshop
. A high level summary was provided in the Kimble et al. (1998, ApJ, 492, L83) paper on STIS on-orbit performance. For an update including early Cycle 7 calibration, see also Baum et al., 1998, SPIE, 3356, 271. Brief descriptions of the SMOV2 proposals are given in Table 17.1. Data from calibration proposals are non-proprietary, and can be obtained from the archive with the proposal IDs listed in the table.
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