STIS's FUV solar-blind and NUV solar-insensitive MAMA detectors make it particularly well suited to slitted spectroscopic and imaging planetary observations. In addition, the 52X2
long slit (2 arcseconds wide in the dispersion direction) is particularly well suited to the "slitless" ultraviolet spectroscopic study of small planetary bodies (using a slit limits the background continuum contribution; see Sky Background). STIS has been used successfully to perform long-slit and echelle spectroscopy and UV imaging of several solar-system objects including comets, planetary satellites, and planets.
Planetary observers may wish to use the sequence Pattern=STIS-PERP-TO-SLIT
(see "Patterns and Dithering" on page 229) to map out the surface of a planet by taking a series of long-slit observations, each one stepped by the slit width perpendicular to the slit's long dimension, relative to the last. Advice on performing target acquisition for solar-system targets is provided in Chapter 8.
Planetary observers requiring specific long-slit orientations will want to be aware of the tight scheduling constraints of specific orientations for observations of targets in the ecliptic plane (see discussion of "Orient from Nominal" in the Phase II instructions).
For example, say an observer wanted to orient the STIS long (52 arcsecond) slit in the north-south direction on Jupiter. For a Jupiter north-pole position angle of ~20° from celestial north, this would require an ORIENT
constraint of ~20-25° or ~200-205° would be required. The nominal roll angle (orientation) for Jupiter varies from ~250° before opposition to ~70° after opposition, and it goes through the intervening 180° range during a four-day period centered on opposition. Deviations from nominal roll are allowed as follows:
Thus orientation of the long slit in a north-south direction on Jupiter is possible only during a single four-day period near Jovian opposition, since no allowable deviation from nominal roll is large enough at any other time to permit a north-south orientation of the slit on the planet. Although the situation for Saturn is not nearly as extreme, observers should be aware of the tight scheduling constraints on observations requiring specific slit orientations.
Space Telescope Science Institute Voice: (410) 338-1082 |