![]() | HST Phase II Proposal Instructions for Cycle 12 (RPS2) | |||
Note: Text in blue shows cross-references to other parts of this document.
Proposals to observe with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) are reviewed in two phases managed by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). In Phase I, proposers submitted an Observation Summary for review by the Telescope Allocation Committee (TAC). The Observation Summary provides only general descriptions of the targets and of the proposed observations.
The TAC review results in a list of accepted proposals. During Phase II, General Observers (GOs) with accepted proposals, as well as Guaranteed Time Observers (GTOs), must provide complete details of their proposed observations so that STScI can conduct a full technical feasibility review. The Phase II information will then be used to schedule the actual observations and obtain data.
This document, the Phase II Proposal Instructions, has the following purposes:
- To describe the information that must be submitted to STScI by GOs and GTOs during Phase II.
- To describe how to fill out the RPS2 (Remote Proposal Submission 2) template.
- To show how to submit the information to STScI.
It is assumed that readers of this document are familiar with the Cycle 12 Call for Proposals, issued in October 2002, and with the Instrument Handbooks.
1.1 Document Design and Structure
These Instructions are meant to be read on-line, not on paper, although many readers may wish to print selected portions. Many cross-references have been added to make navigation easy and convenient. A comprehensive Table of Contents allows you to go directly to chapters, sections, subsections, tables, and figures.
These Instructions are divided into Parts, mostly to organize similar material, but you can find navigation pointers at the beginning of each Part.
Each chapter starts with a listing of sections and subsections, each linked to its page. Tables of information and illustrations are also listed and cross-referenced. Most chapters have a table of specific items discussed there that lies one or two pages after the start of the chapter; this table has links for convenient navigation.
An index has also been provided.
1.2 Changes Since the Previous Version
This is the RPS2 version of the Phase II Proposal Instructions, which was frozen as of December 18, 2002.
1.3 Document Presentation
The RPS2 Manual
The RPS2 Users Manual can be reached at:
The navigation buttons have been removed from the individual pages of the document because the same functions are available in Acrobat, the PDF reader. Use the table of contents that runs down the left side of the window to go to chapters, the Table of Contents, or index.
Web versus Paper
We urge all proposers to access this information via the web. The web versions of the Phase II Proposal Instructions will be the only ones that you can be certain are up-to-date. They are easily downloaded and printed if you wish, but the on-line versions should provide superior cross-referencing and accessibility.
Reader Feedback
We have striven to present this critical, detailed, and complex information in a form that allows it to be used accurately and effectively. Your comments on its good and bad qualities will help us in the future; send e-mail to help@stsci.edu.
1.4 Technical Content
Available Science Instruments for Cycle 12
The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and NICMOS are available in Cycle 12, as well as WFPC2, STIS, and FGS.
Instrument Modes, Special Requirements, etc.
Some changes have been made to these Instructions since the previous version to correct errors and omissions, and to document new modes or options. There are too many to list, but as long as you use the most recent version the information provided should reflect our current state of knowledge.
1.5 Where to Find Additional Information
You will probably need to consult the
Instrument Handbooks
for one or more Science Instruments as you write your Phase II proposal. They are also available on the Web. However, in this version of these Instructions there are not yet cross-links to the Instrument Handbooks.There are some policies that were delineated in the
Call for Proposals
, which asked for Phase I proposals. You may wish to review those, particularly the sections discussing limited resources.1.6 Some PDF Pointers
If you're new to Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF), here are some hints that you may find useful:
- PDF has links, just like HTML. Everything in blue in this document is a link you can click on to go somewhere else.
- PDF can print selected pages while HTML cannot. Note that the page numbers you enter are PDF's sequential numbers (look at the bottom of the Acrobat window to see where you are).
- You can move up or down page by page using the scroll bar on the right of your Acrobat window; just click above or under the indicator that shows your relative position. You can also click and hold on this indicator to speed through the document.
- If you wish to save this document as a PDF file on your local machine, click with your right mouse button on the Institute's web page that has the Phase II information at the spot where you link to the PDF file. In other words, your left button opens the file in Acrobat, but the right button lets you save the file if you pull down to "Save Link as."
- Look at Acrobat's help facility (the help button is in the upper right corner of the Acrobat window) for more pointers.
If you are familiar with what is developing on the web you will see that PDF is an emerging standard for the commercial sector because it is easily produced with modern documentation software and has many excellent features. We welcome your comments and thoughts for improving how we provide information to you.
Space Telescope Science Institute http://www.stsci.edu Voice: (410) 338-1082 help@stsci.edu |
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