[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_align.TestAlignMosaic :: test_align_ngc188

Duration: 0.0010s

need --run-slow option to run

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_processing_utils :: test_add_skycell_to_header[sample_ipppssoot_flc.fits]

Duration: 0.8440s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_kernel :: test_point_kernel[square]

Duration: 2.3070s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_unit.TestDriz :: test_square_with_point

Duration: 1.5560s

[PASSED] tests.wfc3.test_vary_perf.TestVaryPerf :: test_perf[False-None-wfc3_default_perf-0.1-True]

Duration: 11.3560s

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_align.TestAlignMosaic :: test_align_47tuc

Duration: 0.0000s

need --run-slow option to run

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_align.TestAlignMosaic :: test_align_single_visits[input_filenames0]

Duration: 0.0010s

need --run-slow option to run

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_align.TestAlignMosaic :: test_align_single_visits[input_filenames1]

Duration: 0.0030s

need --run-slow option to run

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_align.TestAlignMosaic :: test_align_single_visits[input_filenames2]

Duration: 0.0200s

need --run-slow option to run

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_align.TestAlignMosaic :: test_align_single_visits[input_filenames3]

Duration: 0.0010s

need --run-slow option to run

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_align.TestAlignMosaic :: test_align_fail_single_visit

Duration: 0.0000s

need --run-slow option to run

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_align.TestAlignMosaic :: test_astroquery

Duration: 101.2870s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_processing_utils :: test_add_skycell_to_header[sample_ipppssoot_flt.fits]

Duration: 0.1520s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_processing_utils :: test_add_skycell_to_header[sample_svm_flc.fits]

Duration: 1.0190s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_unit.TestDriz :: test_square_with_grid

Duration: 2.3890s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_processing_utils :: test_add_skycell_to_header[sample_svm_flt.fits]

Duration: 0.1640s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_processing_utils :: test_add_skycell_to_header[sample_ipppssoot_flt_w_skycell_header_keyword.fits]

Duration: 0.1640s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_kernel :: test_point_kernel[point]

Duration: 0.7440s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_processing_utils :: test_add_skycell_to_header_invalid_filename

Duration: 0.0010s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_acs_kernels.TestAcsKernels :: test_kernels[square-acs_square]

Duration: 3.2290s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_kernel :: test_point_kernel[turbo]

Duration: 0.6590s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_kernel :: test_point_kernel[gaussian]

Duration: 0.6980s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_unit.TestDriz :: test_turbo_with_grid

Duration: 1.8400s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_kernel :: test_point_kernel[lanczos3]

Duration: 0.6350s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_kernel :: test_cdriz_edge

Duration: 0.6320s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_acs_kernels.TestAcsKernels :: test_kernels[turbo-acs_turbo]

Duration: 3.4600s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_kernel :: test_cdriz_large

Duration: 0.6250s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_unit.TestDriz :: test_gaussian_with_grid

Duration: 2.3390s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_kernel :: test_cdriz_non_symmetrical

Duration: 0.6170s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_kernel :: test_zero_input_weight[square]

Duration: 0.0030s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_kernel :: test_zero_input_weight[point]

Duration: 0.0020s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_kernel :: test_zero_input_weight[turbo]

Duration: 0.0020s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_kernel :: test_zero_input_weight[gaussian]

Duration: 0.0030s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_kernel :: test_zero_input_weight[lanczos3]

Duration: 0.0040s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_unit.TestBlot :: test_blot_with_point

Duration: 1.8780s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_unit.TestDriz :: test_lanczos_with_grid

Duration: 3.5840s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_unit.TestBlot :: test_blot_with_default

Duration: 1.9380s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_acs_kernels.TestAcsKernels :: test_kernels[point-acs_point]

Duration: 3.2540s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_unit.TestBlot :: test_blot_with_lan3

Duration: 1.6160s

[PASSED] tests.wfc3.test_vary_perf.TestVaryPerf :: test_perf[False-12-wfc3_parallel_hi-0.1-True]

Duration: 14.0080s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_unit.TestDriz :: test_tophat_with_grid

Duration: 2.7570s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_acs_kernels.TestAcsKernels :: test_kernels[lanczos3-acs_lanczos3]

Duration: 3.7240s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_unit.TestBlot :: test_blot_with_lan5

Duration: 2.2410s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_unit.TestDriz :: test_point_with_grid

Duration: 2.6740s

[FAILED] tests.acs.test_unit.TestBlot :: test_blot_with_image

Duration: 2.0910s


 fitsdiff: 6.1.0
 a: output_blot_image.fits
 b: /private/tmp/jhunk/stasis/build/tmp/truth-drizzlepac-CALDP-2024.10.2-4+enchilada-py311-macos-x86_64/popen-gw0/test_blot_with_image0/reference_blot_image.fits
 Keyword(s) not to be compared:
 Maximum number of different data values to be reported: 10
 Relative tolerance: 1e-06, Absolute tolerance: 1e-05

Extension HDU 1 (SCI, 1):

   Data contains differences:
     Data differs at [np.int64(115), np.int64(152)]:
        a> np.float32(69.83915)
         ?                  ^^
        b> np.float32(69.83903)
         ?                  ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(377), np.int64(155)]:
        a> np.float32(208.36218)
         ?                  -
        b> np.float32(208.3618)
     Data differs at [np.int64(354), np.int64(175)]:
        a> np.float32(1269.8538)
         ?                  ^^
        b> np.float32(1269.8448)
         ?                  ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(180), np.int64(184)]:
        a> np.float32(251.41132)
         ?                  ^^
        b> np.float32(251.41022)
         ?                  ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(217), np.int64(186)]:
        a> np.float32(108.3411)
         ?                   ^
        b> np.float32(108.341255)
         ?                   ^^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(343), np.int64(201)]:
        a> np.float32(240.42921)
         ?                  ^^^
        b> np.float32(240.42668)
         ?                  ^^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(101), np.int64(226)]:
        a> np.float32(197.41452)
         ?                   ^^
        b> np.float32(197.4143)
         ?                   ^
     Data differs at [np.int64(856), np.int64(233)]:
        a> np.float32(93.86894)
         ?                  ^^
        b> np.float32(93.86881)
         ?                  ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(698), np.int64(261)]:
        a> np.float32(504.32828)
         ?                 - ^^
        b> np.float32(504.38644)
         ?                  ^^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(1013), np.int64(288)]:
        a> np.float32(106.943596)
         ?                   ^^^
        b> np.float32(106.94432)
         ?                  + ^
     22 different pixels found (0.00% different).

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_acs_kernels.TestAcsKernels :: test_kernels[gaussian-acs_gaussian]

Duration: 3.6440s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_unit.TestDriz :: test_square_with_image

Duration: 3.0220s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_cdriz :: test_square_kernel[square]

Duration: 1.3420s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_unit.TestDriz :: test_turbo_with_image

Duration: 2.5130s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_cdriz :: test_square_kernel[point]

Duration: 0.8330s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_cdriz :: test_square_kernel[turbo]

Duration: 1.0410s

[PASSED] tests.stis.test_stis.TestSTIS :: test_fuv_mama

Duration: 15.7170s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_cdriz :: test_gaussian_kernel

Duration: 0.9630s

[PASSED] tests.drizzle.test_cdriz :: test_lanczos3_kernel

Duration: 1.0250s

[PASSED] tests.wfc3.test_wfc3.TestWFC3 :: test_binned_single

Duration: 10.3380s

[PASSED] tests.wfc3.test_vary_perf.TestVaryPerf :: test_perf[False-1-wfc3_parallel_off-0.1-True]

Duration: 10.4870s

[PASSED] tests.wfc3.test_wfc3.TestWFC3 :: test_uvis_single

Duration: 20.6350s

[PASSED] tests.wfc3.test_vary_perf.TestVaryPerf :: test_perf[False-3-wfc3_parallel_on-0.1-True]

Duration: 11.7050s

[PASSED] tests.stis.test_stis.TestSTIS :: test_nuv_mama

Duration: 4.2050s

[PASSED] tests.stis.test_stis.TestSTIS :: test_stis_ccd

Duration: 19.0080s

[PASSED] tests.wfc3.test_vary_perf.TestVaryPerf :: test_perf[True-1-wfc3_virtual-0.1-True]

Duration: 9.0280s

[PASSED] tests.wfc3.test_wfc3.TestWFC3 :: test_uvis_asn

Duration: 95.2380s

[PASSED] tests.wfc3.test_vary_perf.TestVaryPerf :: test_perf[True-3-wfc3_virtual_parallel-0.1-True]

Duration: 11.8720s

[PASSED] tests.stis.test_stis.TestSTIS :: test_stis_oiii_ccd

Duration: 11.1390s

[PASSED] tests.wfc3.test_vary_perf.TestVaryPerf :: test_perf[True-None-wfc3_binned_asn-0.3-False]

Duration: 11.7030s

[SKIPPED] tests.wfpc2.test_wfpc2.TestWFPC2 :: test_waiver_single

Duration: 0.0000s

disable until truth files can be updated

[SKIPPED] tests.wfpc2.test_wfpc2.TestWFPC2 :: test_waiver_asn

Duration: 0.0000s

disable until truth files can be updated

[PASSED] tests.wfpc2.test_wfpc2.TestWFPC2 :: test_wfpc2_single

Duration: 8.5080s

[FAILED] tests.acs.test_acs_tweak.TestAcsTweak :: test_tweak

Duration: 223.2060s


 fitsdiff: 6.1.0
 a: acs_tweak_drz.fits
 b: /private/tmp/jhunk/stasis/build/tmp/truth-drizzlepac-CALDP-2024.10.2-4+enchilada-py311-macos-x86_64/popen-gw5/test_tweak0/reference_tweak.fits
 Keyword(s) not to be compared:
 Maximum number of different data values to be reported: 10
 Relative tolerance: 1e-06, Absolute tolerance: 1e-05

Extension HDU 1 (SCI, 1):

   Data contains differences:
     Data differs at [np.int64(3967), np.int64(20)]:
        a> np.float32(3.1629663)
         ?                ^^^^
        b> np.float32(3.163003)
         ?                ^^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(3867), np.int64(58)]:
        a> np.float32(7.5295053)
         ?                  - ^
        b> np.float32(7.5294557)
         ?                 +  ^
     Data differs at [np.int64(3825), np.int64(88)]:
        a> np.float32(13.272456)
         ?                   ^^
        b> np.float32(13.27248)
         ?                   ^
     Data differs at [np.int64(3737), np.int64(90)]:
        a> np.float32(6.613576)
         ?                  --
        b> np.float32(6.613625)
         ?                 ++
     Data differs at [np.int64(3686), np.int64(91)]:
        a> np.float32(3.7510464)
         ?                  ^^^
        b> np.float32(3.751032)
         ?                  ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(3730), np.int64(92)]:
        a> np.float32(2.6761281)
         ?                  ^^^
        b> np.float32(2.6761594)
         ?                  ^^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(3726), np.int64(93)]:
        a> np.float32(12.34129)
         ?                  ^^
        b> np.float32(12.341331)
         ?                  ^^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(3718), np.int64(94)]:
        a> np.float32(1.0131035)
         ?                 - ^^
        b> np.float32(1.013087)
         ?                  ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(3723), np.int64(95)]:
        a> np.float32(30.437078)
         ?                  ^^
        b> np.float32(30.437181)
         ?                  ^ +
     Data differs at [np.int64(3708), np.int64(96)]:
        a> np.float32(9.841563)
         ?                  ^^
        b> np.float32(9.84151)
         ?                  ^
     3362 different pixels found (0.01% different).

Extension HDU 2 (WHT, 1):

   Data contains differences:
     Data differs at [np.int64(3996), np.int64(5)]:
        a> np.float32(74.54548)
         ?                  ^^
        b> np.float32(74.54533)
         ?                  ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(3997), np.int64(5)]:
        a> np.float32(39.9906)
        b> np.float32(39.990746)
         ?                  ++
     Data differs at [np.int64(3992), np.int64(6)]:
        a> np.float32(53.934315)
         ?                  ^ -
        b> np.float32(53.93421)
         ?                  ^
     Data differs at [np.int64(3995), np.int64(6)]:
        a> np.float32(151.04071)
         ?                   ^^
        b> np.float32(151.04099)
         ?                   ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(3996), np.int64(6)]:
        a> np.float32(227.71973)
         ?                   -
        b> np.float32(227.71939)
         ?                    +
     Data differs at [np.int64(3997), np.int64(6)]:
        a> np.float32(143.66504)
         ?                   -
        b> np.float32(143.6654)
     Data differs at [np.int64(3988), np.int64(7)]:
        a> np.float32(21.004387)
         ?                    -
        b> np.float32(21.004318)
         ?                   +
     Data differs at [np.int64(3997), np.int64(7)]:
        a> np.float32(215.13602)
         ?                   ^^
        b> np.float32(215.13638)
         ?                   ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(3984), np.int64(8)]:
        a> np.float32(3.2931964)
         ?                   ^^
        b> np.float32(3.2931695)
         ?                  + ^
     Data differs at [np.int64(3985), np.int64(8)]:
        a> np.float32(74.13867)
         ?                  ^
        b> np.float32(74.13857)
         ?                  ^
     261773 different pixels found (1.09% different).

Extension HDU 3 (CTX, 1):

   Data contains differences:
     Data differs at [np.int64(3251), np.int64(3566)]:
        a> np.int32(2)
         ?          ^
        b> np.int32(10)
         ?          ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(3251), np.int64(3567)]:
        a> np.int32(2)
         ?          ^
        b> np.int32(10)
         ?          ^^
     2 different pixels found (0.00% different).

[FAILED] tests.wfpc2.test_wfpc2.TestWFPC2 :: test_mef_asn

Duration: 107.4700s


 fitsdiff: 6.1.0
 a: wfpc2_mef_drw.fits
 b: /private/tmp/jhunk/stasis/build/tmp/truth-drizzlepac-CALDP-2024.10.2-4+enchilada-py311-macos-x86_64/popen-gw1/test_mef_asn0/reference_wfpc2_asn_mef.fits
 Keyword(s) not to be compared:
 Maximum number of different data values to be reported: 10
 Relative tolerance: 1e-06, Absolute tolerance: 0.0001

Extension HDU 1 (SCI, 1):

   Data contains differences:
     Data differs at [np.int64(2070), np.int64(220)]:
        a> np.float32(-0.00031566407)
         ?                  ^ - ----
        b> np.float32(-0.0007898216)
         ?                  ^^^^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(2071), np.int64(220)]:
        a> np.float32(5.787892e-05)
        b> np.float32(-0.00038463596)
     Data differs at [np.int64(2070), np.int64(221)]:
        a> np.float32(0.00038631342)
         ?                 ^  ^ ---
        b> np.float32(0.00015084601)
         ?                 ^^^ + ^
     Data differs at [np.int64(2071), np.int64(221)]:
        a> np.float32(5.7062836e-05)
        b> np.float32(-0.0003781455)
     Data differs at [np.int64(2069), np.int64(222)]:
        a> np.float32(0.0009199467)
         ?                 ^^^^^ -
        b> np.float32(0.0008002726)
         ?                 ^^^^^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(2070), np.int64(222)]:
        a> np.float32(0.0010646881)
         ?                -   ^ --
        b> np.float32(0.0006723418)
         ?                  +++ ^
     Data differs at [np.int64(2071), np.int64(222)]:
        a> np.float32(0.00078526733)
         ?                 ^ ^^ ---
        b> np.float32(0.000189846)
         ?                 ^ ^^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(2069), np.int64(223)]:
        a> np.float32(0.00062040077)
         ?                 ^^^  ^^^
        b> np.float32(0.00045406513)
         ?                 ^^  ^^^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(2070), np.int64(223)]:
        a> np.float32(0.0008568308)
         ?                 ^ ^^
        b> np.float32(0.00035453058)
         ?                 ^ ^^  +
     Data differs at [np.int64(2071), np.int64(223)]:
        a> np.float32(0.00083770894)
         ?                    -----
        b> np.float32(0.00022888137)
         ?                 ++ +++
     23 different pixels found (0.00% different).

Extension HDU 2 (WHT, 1):

   Data contains differences:
     Data differs at [np.int64(2069), np.int64(219)]:
        a> np.float32(128.05875)
        b> np.float32(127.3464)
     Data differs at [np.int64(2070), np.int64(219)]:
        a> np.float32(102.60373)
        b> np.float32(99.89455)
     Data differs at [np.int64(2071), np.int64(219)]:
        a> np.float32(70.54415)
         ?            ^^ ---
        b> np.float32(68.1572)
         ?            ^^   ++
     Data differs at [np.int64(2069), np.int64(220)]:
        a> np.float32(136.09055)
        b> np.float32(127.167435)
     Data differs at [np.int64(2070), np.int64(220)]:
        a> np.float32(133.6063)
         ?            ^^^   ^^
        b> np.float32(99.6027)
         ?            ^^   ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(2071), np.int64(220)]:
        a> np.float32(102.04245)
         ?             --  ^^^
        b> np.float32(71.068855)
         ?            +   ^^^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(2069), np.int64(221)]:
        a> np.float32(136.06818)
         ?             ^  ^ ^^^
        b> np.float32(126.76573)
         ?             ^  ^ ^^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(2070), np.int64(221)]:
        a> np.float32(133.20013)
        b> np.float32(99.19654)
     Data differs at [np.int64(2071), np.int64(221)]:
        a> np.float32(102.03128)
        b> np.float32(71.43623)
     Data differs at [np.int64(2069), np.int64(222)]:
        a> np.float32(113.98655)
         ?             ^ ^ - --
        b> np.float32(104.30496)
         ?             ^^^ ^^
     2405 different pixels found (0.02% different).

Extension HDU 3 (CTX, 1):

   Data contains differences:
     Data differs at [np.int64(2070), np.int64(220)]:
        a> np.int32(34952)
         ?            ---
        b> np.int32(32904)
         ?           +++
     Data differs at [np.int64(2070), np.int64(221)]:
        a> np.int32(34952)
         ?            ---
        b> np.int32(32904)
         ?           +++
     Data differs at [np.int64(2070), np.int64(222)]:
        a> np.int32(34952)
         ?            ---
        b> np.int32(32904)
         ?           +++
     Data differs at [np.int64(2070), np.int64(223)]:
        a> np.int32(34952)
         ?            ---
        b> np.int32(32904)
         ?           +++
     Data differs at [np.int64(1171), np.int64(549)]:
        a> np.int32(68)
         ?           ^
        b> np.int32(16452)
         ?          + ^^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(203), np.int64(613)]:
        a> np.int32(17476)
         ?             ^^
        b> np.int32(17412)
         ?             ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(2554), np.int64(1358)]:
        a> np.int32(34824)
         ?            ^ -
        b> np.int32(34952)
         ?            ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(2554), np.int64(1359)]:
        a> np.int32(34824)
         ?            ^ -
        b> np.int32(34952)
         ?            ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(2554), np.int64(1360)]:
        a> np.int32(34824)
         ?            ^ -
        b> np.int32(34952)
         ?            ^^
     Data differs at [np.int64(1407), np.int64(2775)]:
        a> np.int32(8738)
         ?             ^
        b> np.int32(8736)
         ?             ^
     10 different pixels found (0.00% different).

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_wfc3ir :: test_svm_manifest_name

Duration: 120.9360s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_wfc3ir :: test_svm_wcs

Duration: 0.0060s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_wfc3ir :: test_svm_empty_cats

Duration: 1.0370s

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_svm_wfc3ir :: test_svm_point_cats

Duration: 0.0010s

Skipping test as missing the 'science commits' for this release - need for RC.

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_svm_wfc3ir :: test_svm_segment_cats

Duration: 0.0010s

Skipping test as missing the 'science commits' for this release - need for RC.

[SKIPPED] tests.test_imageObject.TestimageObject :: test_NoFilename

Duration: 0.0010s


[SKIPPED] tests.test_imageObject.TestimageObject :: test_Attributes

Duration: 0.0020s


[PASSED] tests.acs.test_acs_narrowband.TestAsnNarrowband :: test_acs_narrowband

Duration: 69.3110s

[PASSED] tests.wfc3.test_wfc3.TestWFC3 :: test_wfc3_ir_saturated

Duration: 10.5480s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_apriori.TestAcsApriori :: test_apriori[jb1601020]

Duration: 534.3510s

[PASSED] tests.acs.test_asn_regress.TestAsnRegress :: test_hrc_asn

Duration: 7.5460s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_pipeline.TestSingleton :: test_astrometric_singleton[iaaua1n4q]

Duration: 25.3880s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibqk07 :: test_svm_manifest_name

Duration: 244.7490s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibqk07 :: test_svm_wcs_ir

Duration: 0.0050s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibqk07 :: test_svm_wcs_ir_all

Duration: 0.0230s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibqk07 :: test_svm_wcs_uvis

Duration: 0.0050s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibqk07 :: test_svm_wcs_uvis_all

Duration: 0.0250s

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibqk07 :: test_svm_point_total_cat

Duration: 0.0000s

Modifying tests and cannot reproduce failed result at this time - need for RC.

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibqk07 :: test_svm_segment_total_cat

Duration: 0.0010s

Modifying tests and cannot reproduce failed result at this time - need for RC.

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibqk07 :: test_svm_point_cat_meanmag

Duration: 0.0540s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibqk07 :: test_svm_segment_cat_meanmag

Duration: 0.0770s

[FAILED] tests.acs.test_acs_tweak.TestAcsTweak :: test_pixsky1

Duration: 12.4780s

--- j94f05bgq_flt_refxy.coo
+++ /private/tmp/jhunk/stasis/build/tmp/truth-drizzlepac-CALDP-2024.10.2-4+enchilada-py311-macos-x86_64/popen-gw5/test_pixsky10/j94f05bgq_flt_reference.coo
@@ -3568,7 +3568,7 @@
 2418.731881    3859.823896
 2713.654720    3873.532409
 1650.040085    3826.186519
-2666.263584    3876.496200
+2666.263584    3876.496199
 3463.002760    3906.482936
 1127.902776    3800.389745
 2759.701578    3878.093342
--- j94f05bgq_flt_sci2_skyxy.coo
+++ /private/tmp/jhunk/stasis/build/tmp/truth-drizzlepac-CALDP-2024.10.2-4+enchilada-py311-macos-x86_64/popen-gw5/test_pixsky10/j94f05bgq_flt_sci2_skyxy_reference.coo
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
 1709.046974    -1847.214299
 1805.758179    -1845.608035
 3069.858692    -1843.276484
-3331.353379    -1842.346860
+3331.353378    -1842.346860
 965.286685    -1843.493072
 3738.471127    -1840.637345
 491.726325    -1836.719222

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_apriori.TestWFC3Apriori :: test_apriori[ic0g0l010]

Duration: 1095.2321s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_hrcsbc :: test_svm_manifest_name

Duration: 343.3250s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_hrcsbc :: test_svm_wcs

Duration: 0.0090s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_hrcsbc :: test_svm_samewcs

Duration: 0.0090s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_hrcsbc :: test_svm_empty_cats

Duration: 4.1490s

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_svm_hrcsbc :: test_svm_point_total_cat

Duration: 0.0010s

Modifying tests and cannot reproduce failed result at this time - need for RC.

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_svm_hrcsbc :: test_svm_segment_total_cat

Duration: 0.0010s

Modifying tests and cannot reproduce failed result at this time. - need for RC

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_j97e06 :: test_svm_manifest_name

Duration: 323.3200s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_j97e06 :: test_svm_wcs

Duration: 0.0080s

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_svm_j97e06 :: test_svm_point_cat_numsources

Duration: 0.0010s

temporarily skipped

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_svm_j97e06 :: test_svm_segment_cat_numsources

Duration: 0.0000s

temporarily skipped

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_j97e06 :: test_svm_point_cat_meanmag

Duration: 0.1080s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_j97e06 :: test_svm_segment_cat_meanmag

Duration: 0.2000s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_je281u :: test_svm_manifest_name

Duration: 476.9530s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_je281u :: test_svm_wcs

Duration: 0.0060s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_je281u :: test_svm_cat_sources

Duration: 0.4160s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_apriori.TestAcsApriori :: test_apriori[J9I408010]

Duration: 355.4380s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibyt50 :: test_svm_manifest_name

Duration: 994.2500s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibyt50 :: test_svm_wcs_ir

Duration: 0.0050s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibyt50 :: test_svm_wcs_ir_all

Duration: 0.0120s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibyt50 :: test_svm_wcs_uvis

Duration: 0.0040s

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibyt50 :: test_svm_wcs_uvis_all

Duration: 0.0130s

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibyt50 :: test_svm_point_total_cat

Duration: 0.0010s

Skipping test during rapid development of catalogs.

[SKIPPED] tests.hap.test_svm_ibyt50 :: test_svm_segment_total_cat

Duration: 0.0010s

Skipping test during rapid development of catalogs.

[PASSED] tests.hap.test_apriori.TestWFC3Apriori :: test_apriori[icnw34040]

Duration: 38.7100s