#!/opt/gnu/bin/perl # # roll_entry.cgi # Generate the html page for HST nominal roll calculation and display. # S.J.Hulbert 14Jul99 v1.0 BEGIN { unshift (@INC, "/data/garnet2/httpd/cgi-bin/SJH/perl5/"); unshift (@INC, "/data/garnet2/httpd/cgi-bin/SJH/perl5/5.00502/sun4-solaris"); unshift (@INC, "/data/garnet2/httpd/cgi-bin/SJH/perl5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris"); unshift (@INC, "/data/garnet2/httpd/cgi-bin/SJH/perl5/site_perl/5.005"); } use CGI; $REF = '/data/pongo5/SSD/SSD_WWW/TMP/'; $HREF = 'http://garnet.stsci.edu/ssd/TMP/'; # First get the parameters passed into the script # Use the CGI module to parse the CGI form submission. # my $query = new CGI; my $frmt = &trim($query->param('frmt')); my $start = &trim($query->param('start')); my $end = &trim($query->param('end')); my $ra = &trim($query->param('ra')); my $dec = &trim($query->param('dec')); my $freeform = &trim($query->param('freeform')); # parse input and check for validity ($errmsg, *starts, *ends, *ras, *decs) = &parsecheck($frmt, $start, $end, $ra, $dec, $freeform); # Print the header and beginning html for the result page. # print $query->header(-type => 'text/html'); print $query->start_html(-title => "HST Nominal Roll"); if (!($errmsg)) { # In this case we have data passed in from the form. # so run the processing scripts (*xvalues, *rax, *decx, *nominal, *lolim, *hilim) = &proc_in(\@starts, \@ends, \@ras, \@decs); ($tablename, $giffilename) = &proc_plot(\@xvalues, \@rax, \@decx, \@nominal, \@lolim, \@hilim); $tablename =~ s/$REF/$HREF/; $giffilename =~ s/$REF/$HREF/; print "
HST Nominal Roll Results

"; print "

"; print "
Tabular Results
"; print "
"; } else { # In this case, no data or incorrectly formatted data have been passed to the script # Print message explaining problem # print "
HST Nominal Roll Calculator

"; # print the error message print "$errmsg"; } # Now print the html form at the bottom of the page. # We always append this form to anything we print out. # print "
"; print <
Single Target Position
Target RA
Target DEC
Start Date
End Date
Multiple Target Positions
hh:mm:ss.ss (-)dd:mm:ss.s mm/dd/yyyy
  • Select the Single Target Position Form to calculate the roll angle of a single target position over a range of dates.
  • Select the Multiple Target Positions Form to calculate the roll angle of a series of target positions on specific dates. This form is provided to facilitate calculations of nominal roll angles for moving targets.
  • Enter the relevant target position and date information for your target(s) and submit using the Calculate button.

EOF # # sub proc_in { use GD; use GIFgraph::points; use Date::Calc(qw(Delta_Days Add_Delta_Days)); use CGI; use Math::Trig; local (*starts, *ends, *ras, *decs) = @_; # perform all calculations foreach $i (0 .. $#starts) { my @xv = &proc_xval($starts[$i], $ends[$i]); push @xvalues, @xv; (*nominal, *lolim, *hilim) = &proc_roll(); push @nominal_all, @nominal; push @lolim_all, @lolim; push @hilim_all, @hilim; foreach $j (0 .. $#nominal) { push @rax, $ras[$i]; push @decx, $decs[$i]; } } return (\@xvalues, \@rax, \@decx, \@nominal_all, \@lolim_all, \@hilim_all); } #-------------------------------- # sub proc_xval { (my $start, my $end) = @_; # JD2000.0 $REF_DATE = '01/01/2000'; # Calculate the number of days between the start and end date # $days = datediff(parsedate($start), parsedate($end)); # Calculate the number of days between reference date and the start date # $refdiff = datediff(parsedate($REF_DATE), parsedate($start)) - 0.5; # The xvalues list contains all of the numbers of the days within the # start to end range. Use the daterange funtion described below to # return all the days between two dates. This handles situations where # the range spans a month or year border. # my @xvalues = daterange(parsedate($start),$days); return @xvalues; } #-------------------------------- # sub proc_roll { my (@nominal, @lolim, @hilim); # Now we can calculate nominal roll for the given date range. # (*beta, *t_opt) = &calculate_angles(); # set limits base on sun angle == 180 - beta # sun angle off-nominal plot action #---------- ------------ # <50 not available don't plot nominal roll # 50-<90 5 plot nominal roll +/-5 # 90-<178 30 plot nominal roll +/-30 # 178-180 limited plot nominal roll +/-all for $i (0 .. $#beta) { $sunangle = 180. - $beta[$i]; if ($sunangle < 50) { $nominal[$i] = -999; $lolim[$i] = -999; $hilim[$i] = -999; } elsif ($sunangle < 90) { $nominal[$i] = $t_opt[$i]; $lolim[$i] = $t_opt[$i] - 5.0; $hilim[$i] = $t_opt[$i] + 5.0; } elsif ($sunangle < 178) { $nominal[$i] = $t_opt[$i]; $lolim[$i] = $t_opt[$i] - 30.0; $hilim[$i] = $t_opt[$i] + 30.0; } else { $nominal[$i] = $t_opt[$i]; $lolim[$i] = $t_opt[$i] - 90.0; $hilim[$i] = $t_opt[$i] + 90.0; } } # go back and force range to 0 - 360 foreach $i (0 .. $#lolim) { if ($nominal[$i] != -999) { $lolim[$i] = $lolim[$i] + 360.0 if ($lolim[$i] < 0.); $hilim[$i] = $hilim[$i] - 360.0 if ($hilim[$i] > 360.); } } return (\@nominal, \@lolim, \@hilim); } #-------------------------------- # sub proc_plot { use FileHandle; local (*xvalues, *rax, *decx, *nominal, *lolim, *hilim) = @_; # Organize the data in a form that we can pass to a plotting routine... # my @data = (\@xvalues, \@nominal, \@lolim, \@hilim, ); # The 'legend' is the set of labels for the various data sets # my @legend = ("HST Nominal Roll", "Off-Nominal Lower Limit", "Off-Nominal Upper Limit"); # Create a new bar graph # my $graph = new GIFgraph::points(501,301); # misc. calculation to make pretty axis labels $totdays = datediff(parsedate($xvalues[0]), parsedate($xvalues[$#xvalues])); if ($totdays < @xvalues) { $nskip = int $totdays / 7; } else { $nskip = int @xvalues / 7; } # fix is ugly... if ($#ras == 0) { $ttl = "Single Position: RA=$ras[0] DEC=$decs[0]"; } else { $ttl = "Multiple Positions: RA=$ras[0] DEC=$decs[0], ..."; } # Set the attributes for the graph # $graph->set(x_label => 'Date', x_label_skip => $nskip, x_label_position => 0.5, y_label => 'Position Angle E of N (degrees)', y_min_value => '0', y_max_value => '360', y_tick_number => '18', title => $ttl, markers => [3,9,9], dclrs => ['green','blue','blue'], ); # Add the legend to the graph # $graph->set_legend(@legend); # Draw the graph # my $giffilename = mktmpfn().'.gif'; $graph->plot_to_gif($giffilename, \@data); # Write the table my $tablename = mktmpfn(); open TBLNM, ">$tablename"; format HEADER = HST Nominal Roll Results Nominal Lower Upper Date RA DEC Roll Limit Limit mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.ss (-)dd:mm:ss.s deg EofN deg EofN deg EofN ---------- ----------- ------------- -------- -------- --------