Phase 2 Proposal Instructions for Cycle 10


6.2 Pure Parallels

Pure parallel visits are identified by a Proposal_Category (see 2.3.1Proposal Information [Proposal_Information]) that ends with /PAR (not the former PARallel visit special requirement). All visits in such proposals will be interpreted as pure parallel visits. Pure parallel proposals require additional information at the proposal level to specify pointing tolerances (see 2.3.2Parallel Information [Parallel_Pointing_Tolerance]). At the visit level, the Visit_Priority (see 5.2Visit Priority [Visit_Priority]) must be specified to provide guidance for the scheduling system.

Parallel visits using the same target will be considered in order of Visit_Priority. A range of visits designed for opportunities of different lengths (say 1 to 10 orbits) is recommended, with the longer visits being given higher priority. At each opportunity on the calendar which matches the pointing of a set of parallel visits and whose pointing is stable within the proposalŐs Parallel_Pointing_Tolerance, STScI will schedule the highest-priority visit that fits in the opportunity. Exposures within a visit will be obtained consecutively and in the order specified, just as with primary visits.

How Pure Parallels Are Scheduled

Observer-defined visits correspond to scheduling units (SUs) in the HST ground system. An SU is a set of exposures which must be scheduled at the same time. An SU with coordinated parallel exposures is scheduled just like one without parallels. However, pure parallel SUs are scheduled through a separate process.

First the scheduling system builds a calendar from primary visits. Once the primary calendar is complete, a description of it is used to find appropriate parallel SUs to match the opportunities from the primary calendar. These parallels are then scheduled, subject to the constraints of the primary SUs already on the calendar.

While a primary visit is only scheduled once, a parallel visit may be scheduled many times (and generating a new SU each time) whenever it is the most appropriate use of an opportunity on the calendar. On the other hand, if a parallel visit never turns out to be the most appropriate, it will never be scheduled at all.

Instrument Configuration

Pure parallel exposures are limited to the following instrument configurations and modes:
Configuration Operating Mode


Configuration Operating Mode


Every exposure in a pure parallel proposal must use the same instrument.

Special Requirements

No visit-level special requirements are allowed in pure-parallel visits. Exposure-level special requirements are limited to the following:


MAXimum DURation; MINimum DURation;


PARallel <parallel-exp-list> WITH <primary-exp-list>1 (Restricted)

SEQuence <exposure-list> NON-INTerruptible

We recommend that MINimum DURation, plus either MAXimum DURation or EXPAND, be specified on all pure-parallel exposures, except with NICMOS, where no adjustment of exposure time is possible. If MIN DUR is omitted, the default minimum exposure time is set to 80% of Time_Per_Exposure. If MAX DUR is omitted, the default maximum exposure time is unlimited if EXPAND is specified, and is otherwise set to 120% of Time_Per_Exposure.

For visits intended to span multiple orbits, END ORBIT should be specified on the exposure that is intended to end each orbit in order to provide STScI with better guidance in matching parallel visits to the sizes of opportunities.

Optional Parameters

Dithering parameters and wavelength scans with the WFPC2 linear ramp filter are not permitted with pure parallels because the pointing is determined by the primary observation.

For ACS pure parallels, no automatic image exposures in conjunction with HRC prism observations will be scheduled. The usual default of AUTOIMAGE=YES does not apply, and the AUTOIMAGE optional parameter may not be specified.

1Coordinated parallel exposures are allowed in pure-parallel visits only to support observing with different NICMOS detectors, not different SIs.

Space Telescope Science Institute
Voice: (410) 338-1082