As in previous cycles, the Cycle 10 calibration program is aimed at maintaining the calibration of WFPC2 via the internal and external monitoring programs as well as performing several new tests. The standard suite of calibrations will be continued, including those used to monitor the health of the instrument as well as the programs to collect data for calibration reference files. In addition, several new proposals will be implemented: a measurement of the effect of CTE on astrometry, a characterization of the PSF wings, a calibration check of the clocks ON mode, and a test of the methane quad filter throughput. The total spacecraft time required for the Cycle 10 plan is 61 externals orbits and 2294 occultation periods. This estimate does not include any calibrations associated with Servicing Mission (SM3b), which occurred in March 2002.
We also note that two "calibration outsourcing" programs are underway to improve the UV flatfields and test for a position-independent component of CTE. See Future Calibrations, Calibration by Observers, and Calibration Outsourcing for details.
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