Space Telescope Science Institute   6.3.1 Count Rates for Stellar Sources  6.3.3 Count Rates for Emission Line Sources

6.3.2 Count Rates for Power Law Sources

If one knows the spectral index (which is zero for a source with a flat continuum), V+AB can also be calculated as the monochromatic Oke system magnitude at the corrected mean wavelength of the filter:

where S is the flux in ergs cm-2 s-1 Hz-1 as in Oke and Gunn, Ap. J., 266, 713 (1983) at the effective mean wavelength of the filter . It can be shown that

if the integrands are weighted by a source with spectral index in the definition of . See also Koornneef, J., et al. "Synthetic Photometry and the Calibration of the Hubble Space Telescope" in Highlights of Astronomy (7, 833, J.-P. Swings Ed (1983). Combining the above equations gives

 6.3.1 Count Rates for Stellar Sources  6.3.3 Count Rates for Emission Line Sources
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