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This document is written and maintained by the Spectrographs Group in the Instruments Division of STScI. At the time of the writing of this manual the Group includes the following members, all of whom contributed directly to the writing of this Handbook: Tom Brown, Ivo Busko (honorary), James Davies, Rosa Díaz-Miller, Linda Dressel, Paul Goudfrooij, Phil Hodge (honorary), Jessica Kim Quijano, Jesús Maíz-Apellániz, Bahram Mobasher, Mike Potter (honorary), Charles Proffitt, Kailash Sahu (honorary), David Stys, Jeff Valenti (honorary), and Nolan Walborn (honorary).
In publications, refer to this document as:
Kim Quijano, J., et al. 2003, "STIS Instrument Handbook", Version 7.0, (Baltimore: STScI).
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