The availability of calendar time for scheduling and execution of long visits has become severely oversubscribed. To assure a greater degree of scheduling efficiency and avoid such heavy oversubscription, a 5-contiguous-orbit limit has been imposed for Cycle 8 and beyond for both CCD and MAMA visits. Observers with many (>5) orbits-per-target programs should take note of the following advice when splitting their observations into multiple visits:
HST pointing is generally very stable within a visit (~5 milliarcseconds rms). Small inaccuracies (~20 milliarcseconds rms) can occur between different visits, due to the way guide star acquisitions are handled at the start of a new visit. Although these offsets cannot be avoided, there are many situations where they are unimportant, or where their impact can be greatly reduced. For example, if the visit makes observations of several different targets by moving the telescope, and if there is no need for exact offsets (few milliarcsecond accuracy) between the different targets, then the visit could simply be split into separate visits with one target per visit. In cases where a target acquisition is performed for slit spectroscopy, one should follow the same sequence for the target acquisition in the second visit as in the first.
Visits can be scheduled close in time by specifying the GROUP WITHIN visit requirement. Timing constraints of this type, however, should be used only if required by the science, since overconstraining visits affects the ability to schedule efficiently.
Space Telescope Science Institute Voice: (410) 338-1082 |