Space Telescope Science Institute   1.5 STScI Help Desk Chapter 2:  Proposal Submission Policies

1.6 Organization of this Document

1.6.1 Policies, Procedures and General Information

Chapter 2 summarizes the policies regarding proposal submission. Chapter 3 describes the types of proposals that can be submitted. Chapter 4 describes the types of observations that are possible with HST; it includes discussions of special requirements. Chapter 5 addresses policies regarding data rights and duplications. Chapter 6 describes procedures and criteria for proposal evaluation and selection.

1.6.2 Preparing and Submitting Your Proposal

Chapter 7 outlines the steps to follow when preparing and submitting a Phase I proposal. A proposal consists of a completed APT proposal form and an attached PDF file. Chapter 8 describes the items that must be filled out in the APT proposal form; this information is also available from the context-sensitive 'Help' in APT. Chapter 9 describes the items that must be addressed in the attached PDF file.

1.6.3 Information Pertaining to Accepted Proposals

Chapter 10 provides information on the implementation and scheduling process for accepted proposals. Chapter 11 describes Education/Public Outreach (E/PO) proposals. Chapter 12 provides information on budgets, grants and funding policies.

1.6.4 Appendices

The appendices provide a variety of additional information, including contact information ( Appendix A), lists of scientific keywords ( Appendix B) that can be used in proposals, a glossary of acronyms and abbreviations ( Appendix C) and a list of internet links used in the document ( Appendix D).

 1.5 STScI Help Desk Chapter 2:  Proposal Submission Policies
Space Telescope Science Institute
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