Space Telescope Science Institute   10.3 Program Coordinator and Contact Scientist  Support  10.5 Technical Review

10.4 Duplication Checking

Some computer-aided duplication checks are carried out in Phase II, in part by STScI and also by observers who wish to check whether any of their own observations are being duplicated. Any duplications found that were not justified explicitly in the Phase I proposal and recommended by the Review Panels or TAC will be disallowed. No compensatory observing time will be allowed and the observing time will be removed from the allocation. In the case of duplications between Survey proposals and Regular GO proposals, the duplicate source(s) will be removed from the Survey proposal, but the time allocation will not be changed.

 10.3 Program Coordinator and Contact Scientist  Support  10.5 Technical Review
Space Telescope Science Institute
Voice: (410) 338-1082