Space Telescope Science Institute   9.5 Justify Duplications  9.7 Budget Narrative

9.6 Analysis Plan

(This item is required only for AR, Calibration, and Theory proposals)

All AR proposals should provide a detailed data analysis plan. Describe the data sets that will be analyzed and estimate how many data sets will be analyzed. Inclusion of a complete target list is not required. Discuss available resources, individual responsibilities where appropriate, and how the analysis will allow you to achieve your objectives.

Legacy AR proposals should also discuss the data products that will be made available to the community, the method of dissemination, and a realistic time line. It is a requirement that data products be delivered to STScI in suitable digital formats for further dissemination via the HST Data Archive or related channels. Any required technical support from STScI and associated costs should be described in detail.

Theory proposals should discuss the types of HST data that will benefit from the proposed investigation, and references to specific data sets in the HST Data Archive should be given where possible. They should also describe how the results of the theoretical investigation will be made available to the astronomical community, and on what time scale the results are expected.

Calibration proposals should discuss what documentation, and data products and/or software will be made available to STScI to support future observing programs.

 9.5 Justify Duplications  9.7 Budget Narrative
Space Telescope Science Institute
Voice: (410) 338-1082