Space Telescope Science Institute   12.1 Overview  12.3 Allowable Costs

12.2 Eligibility for STScI Grant Funds

Proposals for funding will be accepted from Universities and other nonprofit research institutions, private for-profit organizations, Federal employees, and unaffiliated scientists. Only U.S. PIs and CoIs are eligible to request funding.

U.S. Investigators are defined to be those investigators that fall in one of the following categories:

These definitions include U.S. CoIs on observing projects with non-U.S. PIs.

Proposals by non-U.S. PIs that have one or more U.S. CoIs must designate one of the U.S. CoIs as the 'Administrative PI' (see Section 8.13). This person will have overall oversight and responsibility for the budget submissions of the U.S. CoIs.

When a U.S. investigator obtains grant funds for a project that also involves non-U.S. investigators, then no funding may flow through the U.S. investigator to the non-U.S. investigators.

 12.1 Overview  12.3 Allowable Costs
Space Telescope Science Institute
Voice: (410) 338-1082