Space Telescope Science Institute   10.7 Unschedulable or Infeasible Programs  10.9 Archival Research Support

10.8 Access to Data Products

Data products are stored in the HST Data Archive (see Section 7.2 of the HST Primer). Any processing or scientific analysis of the data beyond the standard "pipeline" calibrations performed by STScI is the responsibility of the observer.

Observers retrieve their data directly from the Data Archive, either through the MAST web site or the StarView interface. In order to retrieve proprietary data from the Archive, proposal PIs and those designated by them must first register as Archive users. This can be done through the Data Archive Registration Web page on the MAST web site. STScI plans to eliminate the need to register as an archive user for retrieval of non-proprietary data from the HST Data Archive. An update on the status of registration will be posted when the modified archive distribution software is implemented. HST data normally become non-proprietary one year after they are taken.

The HST Data Handbook describes the data that are produced by the instruments. The Space Telescope Science Data Analysis Software (STSDAS) Web Page has links to the software that is used to calibrate and analyze HST data, and to documentation on its use (see also Section 7.1.1 of the HST Primer).

 10.7 Unschedulable or Infeasible Programs  10.9 Archival Research Support
Space Telescope Science Institute
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