
How To

Installation of the newcdbs package starts with retrieving the tar file and unpacking it. To do this, first create a top level for cdbs. Then, copy the tar file from the anonymous ftp area into this directory and unpack the tar file with the command:

tar -xvf newcdbs.tar

After unpacking the tar file, change to the src subdirectory and type:

make install

This command removes source for tasks not needed on this system, sets the value of CGI_TOP in the shell scripts, updates several macros in include/system.h and builds the top level make file.

To recompile the source, type


Other Make File Commands

The top level make file currently supports two other commands: make make and make clean. The first rebuilds the task make files with new dependency information. The second removes all files from the lib and bin subdirectories. Be careful to make sure you do not delete anything you cannot replace or rebuild before running this command.

Configuring a System

The make install command invokes the Perl script util/ It, in turn, reads information from a configuration file in the util subdirectory. The name of the file is the name of the computer that the software is installed from plus the extension .cfg. This means the software must be installed from a specific machine on a cluster. For example, the configuration file for the production system is util/ralph.cfg and this system can only be installed from ralph. To see which machines are currently supported, type ls *.cfg in the util subdirectory. If the machines I ahve chosen are inconvenient, please let me know and I will rename the configuration file.

The format for definitions in the configuration file is name = value. Definitions are normally limited to a single line, but may be continued onto another line by ending the line in a backslash. Value strings should not be quoted. Leading and trailing blanks are delted from the value string, but internal blanks are left unchanged. Comment lines begin with a pound (#) character and blank lines are ignored.

In order to create a configuration for a new system, copy an existing configuration file and edit it. The definitions in the configuration file are divided into several catgories by comments. The definitions that most often change are grouped at the top of the file, but any of the definitions might possibly change.

Src Subdirectory Layout

These three definitions are used by the remove option of configure, so take care to get them right. Configure removes the directories that are included in SOURCES but not included in either TASKS or LIBRARIES. The topmake option, which builds the top level make file, also uses the latter two definitions.

Directory and URL Locations

These definitions are used to update the system.h include file and install the cgi shell scripts for getref and query.

Compiler Options

These commands set the C compiler and its option flags.

Library Locations

These definitions give the path to several directories used in the make files.


These definitions contain the libraries the tasks link against. The IRAFLIBS definition for the development system (valis.cfg) contain two directories that are only needed if syndemo is built: libsynphot.a and libstxtools.a.

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