

getref -- Get best reference files to use with an observation


getref rootname [rootname ..]


This file describes the test version of getref, currently under test in the otfc pipeline.

The task is run by typing the name of the task followed by a list of observation set root names to retrieve the reference files for. A list of observation set names can also be placed in a file, one per line, and the name of the list file preceded by an @ sign can be passed as an argument to the task. Here are two examples:

getref u20l0u01t z0ek0i01t getref @rootname.lis

The default output produced by getref, the summary output, contains recommended values for the calibration reference files, calibration switches, and other important keywords whose values have changed. The summary output has seven columns:

The information used to produce the summary output is retrieved from the DADS database. Values with embedded blanks are quoted and zero length strings are represented by consecutive quote marks in the output.

The task also has four optional parameters, reffile, text, retry, and fits. The optional parameters are specified by giving their name followed by an equals sign and the argument value. The boolean parameters (text, retry, and fits) can also be specified by its name followed by a plus or minus sign. The command lines

getref u20l0u01t reffile=f8213081u.r0h text=yes


getref u20l0u01t reffile=f8213081u.r0h text+ are equivalent. The optional parameters can occur anywhere on the command line relative to the list of root names.



Getref uses three html template files to produce its html output. These files are not used when getref produces ascii output. The names of these three template files are hardwired into the task: getref_no.html, getref_all.html, and getref_one.html. These files contain the html code that produces the search page, summary results page, and detail results page respectively. These three files are located in the cdbs data directory, so they can only be modified by the program's maintainer. The reason that the html template files were created is so the the program's maintainer can change the appearance and text of the html pages getref produces without modifying the pages themselves.

The text in the html templates is copied into getref's output except where variables appear in the template. These variables are replaced by text generated by getref. Variables in the template file start with the character string <!-- $ and end with the character string -->. In between the starting and ending string is the variable name. The variable thus looks like an html comment to an html browser, so the template can be checked for style and content without running getref.

This task supports six variables. Variable names are case sensitive. The variables are:


The main function in getref is task. It reads any arguments on the command line and then calls form_input to read and parse any input that may come from a cgi form. It calls which_qry to determine which type of query the user may wish to perform. It selects the name of an html template file and calls the appropriate function (getref_all or getref_one) depending on the type of query. The query results are returned as a loadfile table. If the value of the input variable text is no, the table and template are passed as arguments to output_html, If the value of text is yes, the table is passed to output_asc. The the table is freed and the task exits.

The function form_input can read cgi input sent by either the GET or POST method. It reads the environment variable REQUEST_METHOD to determine the input method. If the variable is not found or any value other than GET or POST, the function does not try to read cgi input. If the value is GET or POST, it reads the input in the appropriate manner and calls parse_cgi to decode the input. Parse_cgi divides the input into individual parameters at ampersands, decodes the individual parameters by translating escape sequences, and stores the translated parameters by calling put_option. Put_option is a function which stores name-value pairs in a global associative array. This array can be later accessed by calling get_option. After the cgi input is parsed and stored, form_input calls def_option to set default values for any options that may not have been present in the input.

The function getref_all performs the summary query, which returns the best reference files for a specified observation. It takes the list of rootnames and calls expand_assoc to expamd any names that may be associations into the files contained in that association. Then it calls check_lock to see if the observation set record in the database it is going to access is locked for update. If it is locked, it either takes an error exit or waits until the record is unlocked, depending on the value of retry. Then getref_all calls set_calibrate to see if the observation set is in the dataset exceptions table. If it is, it adds the CALIBRAT keyword to the loadfile table with a value of NO to indicate the observation set should not be recalibrated. Then getref_all calls best_files to get the names of the recommended calibration reference files and best_switches to get the names of the recommended calibration switches. Finally, it calls key_changes to get other keywords that should be updated in the image header.

The function best_files calls which_files to determine the name of the image containing the reference file switches. This is done by querying a database table in DADS which contains a list of file name extensions for each instrument and building the name from the rootname and extension. Then best_files calls file_keywords to get a list of the header keywords containing reference file names from the DADS database, along with the names of the fields in the DADS database containing the recommended and original reference file names. After collecting this information, then best_files querties the database for the recommended and original reference file names, and uses this information to add rows to the loadfile table.

The function best_switches works similarly to best_files, except that it calls switch_keywords to retrieve the keyword names and database filed names of the recommended and original calibration switches. Since both best_files and best_switches pull their information from the DADS database, the output of getref can be modified by changing the database and without recompiling the program.

The function getref_one performs the detail query. There are two sql queries performed. The first query is performed by qry_obsmode and retrieves the names of the observation mode fields in the cdbs and dads databases. The second sql query is performed by one of three functions. Qry_hasroot is called if the reference file has observation mode fields and the observation set name is known. Qry_noroot is called if the observation set name is not known. And qry_nomode is called if the reference file has no observation mode fields. All three functions are similar, differing only in the form of the query sent to the database.

The function output_asc produces text output from the loadfile table created by the query. It first determines the column widths by finding the maximum length of the column name and any of the values in the column. It then prints a title line preceded by a comment character containing the table column names and then prints the contents of each row in the table using the calculated column widths.

The function output_html produces html output from the loadfile table. It has two inputs: the name of the template file and the loadfile table descriptor. It calls in a while loop function html_template which prints the contents of the template until it finds a variable name embedded in the template. Html_template then returns the name of the embedded variable. Output_html takes the name of the variable and matches it against a list of valid variable names and executes code in a switch statement which replaces the variable in the output. If the variable is output, the contents of the loadfile table is formatted as an html table and printed. For the other variables, mkanchor is called to produce an anchor from arguments the task was called with.

The file global.h contains the global variables that control much of the operation of getref. These variables They describe the significant names of the database tables and fields used by getref. If new instruments or reference files are added to the calibration pipeline, this file must be updated to track the changes. The variables in this file are structured as arrays of pointers to character strings. The dimensions of the arrays are defined by macros in getref.h. Each array must be terminated by a zero length string so that the function using the array knows where it ends.


The names of the three html template files are defined in datafile.h. The filenames use the DATAFILE macro, defined in system.h to specify the directory name containing the template files. The url used to invoke the search screen is defined by the GETREFURL macro defined in datafile.h. The getref.cgi shell script in the util directory, used to run getref from a cgi script script, contains system dependent environment variables and must be edited and copied to the cgi-bin directory on the system.

This task uses four environment variables to control its access to the database. CDBS_SERVER sets the database server the task accesses. CDBS_DB sets the name of the cdbs database that is used by the task. DADS_DB sets the name of the dads database that is used by the task. And CDBS_USER sets the user name used to access the database. If these environment variables are not set, they default to ZEPPO, cdbs_ops, dads_ops, and a public cdbs account.

In addition to these environment variables that control cdbs access, the stdb library that this task is linked with requires the two environment variables SYBASE and ACAREA be set. These variables define the location of the Sybase and stdb executables and libraries.


To retrieve all the reference files for the observation set u20l0u01t, enter the command:

getref u20l0u01t

To retrieve detail information for a specific reference file for the hrs observation set z0ek0i01t, enter the command

getref z0ek0i01t reffile=c7u0854mz.r5h

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